Chapter 14

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Cole 'Mr. Gorgeous' POV

I helped packing all of her boxes into the car while she sat in the front seat waiting to leave. Once all of her boxes of clothes were packed into the car her and her brother drove off. I went back to my room to see the white t-shirt I gave her on my bed. Then I came to the realization, she was actually gone... forever. And I might not ever see her again. Tears stung my eyes.

Billy 'Asshole' POV

After helping with putting all her boxes of clothes into the car I ran upstairs exhausted and sad about her leaving. How could she be leaving when I just got her? I rubbed my temples feeling a headache coming on. Then I saw a box outside my room that said 'clothes' I opened it, looking inside I found all the clothes I had bought for her. Tears stung my eyes.

Devyn POV

I felt emotionally drained. All I wanted to do was break down and cry. Why did I have to fall for them? "Are you okay?" I was torn away from my thoughts by my brother asking a question.

"Yeah, fine!" I said with a forced smile on my face. He nodded unsure of what I was feeling. I just went back to staring out the window and a couple minutes later we arrived at the house.

"We're here!" Derek said in a cheery tone. We walked up to the house and the door opened.

"Devyn!" Avery screamed in excitement. 

"Avery!" We ran up to each other and I embraced her into a hug. Derek soon joined into the hug. "I love you guys!" I told them hugging them tighter.

"Devyn? What're you doing here?" I heard my fathers voice.

"Cole let me come back, for good." I glared at him for even selling me in the first place.

"Sweetie!" My mother ran out of the house with open arms. I dodged her hug.

"Why did you guys sell me?" I asked "Was I not good enough?" 

"No, you weren't good enough." My father told me, I gritted my teeth.

"Last time I checked you weren't too good yourselves! You were never there for me!" I was becoming angier by the second "You didn't even fight to get me back after what he did! You basically sat by and watched it happen!" I was now in tears.

"Sweetie!" My mother cooed.

"Don't you 'sweetie' me!" I snapped at her "You are just as bad as him!"

"Devyn, what do you mean they didn't fight for you remember that time they payed for you to go to that expensive academy because you wanted to?" I heard Avery ask.

"Oh that's right you told them that I was away at school that whole year!" I clapped at them.

"Devyn enough!" My father barked,

"No not enough! You let me sit there being tortured for a whole year!" I cried "By the person who I thought loved me. I thought you guys loved me as well. But I guess I was wrong."

"Sweetie, I do love you!" My mother exclaimed.


"Sweetie, I do love you." He told me in a soft tone before kicking me again. 

"Please stop it hurts!" I groaned, he kicked me again "Please stop!" I pleaded. I had at least had five broken ribs and a few cracked ones. 

"Sweetie, I do love you." He told me in an emotionless voice. I tried reaching for the door but he stomped on my wrist breaking it. I cried out in pain. 

Ravana cover my mouth as I screamed from the pain radiating throughout my whole body "Shh, shh, shh, we wouldn't want anyone to hear." He clicked his tongue while shaking his head no. I nodded and he snapped another rib with his hands. 

I couldn't help but to scream which earned me a kick to the face. I blacked out instantly.

~Flashback over~

The image replayed in my head over and over once she said 'Sweetie, I do love you.' I backed away to get away from this place back to where I was safe. Back to Cole and Billy. 

"Keys!" I demanded Derek. Derek threw me the car keys.

"Where are you going?" He asked. 

"To where it's safe." I told him before driving off. I checked my rear view mirror to see if anyone was following me. Luckily no one was I stopped up at a stop sign and when I checked to see if there was any cars there wasn't. So I began driving until I someone crashed into me.

"Shit!" I said and everything felt it was going in slow motion. And the next thing I know I was upside down my head was throbbing and I was going in and out of consciousness. The last thing I heard was "Gotcha!" And everything went black.

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