Chapter 13

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Devyn POV 

"You know you love me!" He smirked. 

I mean he's technically not wrong.

I blushed. "Shut up!" 

Billy gasped dramatically "You didn't deny it!" 

"I did too, I said 'shut up!'." I told him.

"Mmhmm!" He looked at me suspiciously. I laughed at the face he was making.

"What?" He asked smiling but confused.

"Your face?" I said laughing.

"Oh are you saying my face is stupid?!" He pretended to be offended.

"Honestly..." I paused looking at his face again "Yes..." I waited for his reaction. He looked stunned for a moment.

"Lets see if any of the other girls here think that?" He raised his eyebrows and stood up and opened his mouth to shout it out to the girls in the room.

I covered his mouth with my hand. And guess what he did... he licked it! He licked it! "Ew!" I wiped it on his shirt. He laughed at me "Bitch!"

"Asshole!" I muttered.


At home

I opened the door and sniffed the air. My nose must be broken cause I smelled pasta being cooked. No one cooks in this house other than me, so it's usually always take out of frozen meals "Do you smell that too?" I asked.

"Yeah." Billy sniffed the air.

We looked at each other and ran into the kitchen "Food!" We yelled in unison. Looking around for who was making the food, my jaw dropped to the ground.

"Mr. Gorgeous?" Me and Asshole asked at the same time which made me laugh. I've never heard Billy call Cole Mr. Gorgeous.

"You- you know how to cook?" I asked my eyes wide from shock.

 Cole laughed lightly "When your mom and dad are always at work you learn a few things." I looked at the food hungrily. And went to get myself a serving but Cole stopped me and told me no.

"No? No! Why no!?" I asked a little upset that he was keeping me from this glorious meal.

"Because we're are waiting from everyone else!" He informed me.

"Screw everybody else, I'm hungry now!" I said trying to push past him.

Another key word: tried.

"Yeah screw everybody else!" Billy agreed with me.

Well long story short Billy and I pouted on the couch waiting everyone else to show up for dinner. When the last person walked through the door it was 5 pm. "What took you so long!" I demanded for a explanation from Mike.

"I was held up because this guy wouldn't pay the money he owed us, why?" Mike answered.

"You made us wait an hour for food!" I pouted. Everyone else laughed "This is no laughing matter. This man," I pointed at Cole "Kept my stomach away from that precious meal!" I put emphasis on the word precious. They all laughed harder.


The next day

I woke up on living room couch... again. It's become my new bed. I walked up to Mr. Gorgeous's room opened the door a crack and heard Mr. Gorgeous talking to Asshole. I probably shouldn't be listening to their conversation. But then I heard Asshole ask "When are you going to tell Devyn?" 

Tell me what? I asked myself, and began listening closely to their conversation.

"There is nothing to tell, I'm breaking it off tomorrow." Cole told him.

Breaking what off? 

"You have to tell her or she'll find out by the wrong person she'll be heartbroken!" I wanted to know so badly what they were talking about.

"No, she won't find out cause no one is going to tell her!" He hissed back.

"If you won't tell her you're engaged, I will!" He yelled at Cole.

Wait! What? He's engaged?

I opened the door fully "You're engaged?" I asked still shocked "Why would you kiss me only to then break my heart in the long run?" He took a step forward and opened his mouth.

"Don't." I told him sternly. "And you!" I pointed Billy "Why didn't you tell me?" 

"Devyn, I-" Cole began.

"I said don't." I put up my hand stopping him from talking anymore "Just want to go home." I rubbed my arms. 

"Devyn..." Billy's voice trailed off like he didn't know what to say.

"What?!" I yelled "Finish your Goddamned sentence!" 

"Devyn, I wouldn't have brought you here if I knew I was going to develop romantic feelings for you, because my father arranged me into a marriage so we could form an alliance with another gang." Cole told me "But I didn't know that I would develop feelings for you and now here we are." 

I looked at Billy "I told you to finish your sentence." 

"I don't want to bring you into a world of violence and death so I think it's best if you go home." 

I gritted my teeth "This world is filled with death and violence, even if you aren't in a gang!" I yelled at both of them.

"I called your brother this morning," Cole told me "He's coming to get you at noon." 

"You guys are both dicks, you know that!" I slapped Cole then I slapped Billy. 

"I'm packing my stuff so get out!" I demanded them.

"This is my room!" Cole protested.

"Does it look like I give a flying fuck? No! So get out! NOW!" I yelled at both of them. They obeyed and I packed my stuff in all the boxes that they had dropped off all my stuff before. When I was packing I saw the white t-shirt Cole gave me. I held it in my hand for awhile then threw it on his bed. I picked out all the clothes Billy bought for me put them in a separate box and set them outside Billy's room. Then went back to packing all my stuff up.

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