Thirty Nine.

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"I'm glad you're not friends with that snake anymore", Jordyn says.

Ashton squints her eyes at her as if she had said something offensive and says, "chill, Jordyn"

"Oops, did I really say that out loud? My bad", she responds sarcastically.

"She's right, Ashton, that's what she is. I think it's best if you stay away from her."

"Don't worry, I don't like her anymore, specially not after what she said to you"

"I said some things too, you know", I admit, feeling a little guilty. I sometimes think about what a toxic person she was but also wonder if I was actually as toxic as her.

"Yeah, but she had it coming, besides, the difference between you and her is that I truly care about you. You're like a sister to me."

"Aw, give me a hug", I say and go in for a hug.

"And she also said something kinda mean to us as Jordyn and I walked past her. So yeah, I can definitely tell you she's not a nice person"

I smile at him, and then he says, "oh, wait. I gotta go, I need to talk to someone. See you around"

I then turn to Jordyn and as her, "who's he looking for?"

"Some girl he likes. He doesn't want us to know who it is", she chuckles.

"How do you feel about that?"

She shrugs and honestly says, "Meh, I... don't really care anymore"

"Why? Do you not like him anymore?"

"I'm moving on. I mean, I guess I still have some feelings for him, but if he's happy with someone else, I'll be happy for him. You know, there are so many guys out there, the right one will come along"

I look at her and tell her, "I'm sure he will"


"And so... we're not friends anymore", I tell Harvey while he's seating next to me.

"Oh... um... I'm sorry", he says.

"About what? It's not your fault."

"I mean... it kinda is, after all, it was me who tore you guys apart"

"Don't worry, we weren't that close anyway."

"Oh, okay"

"Tell me something, is it weird for you to be dating your ex's ex best friend?"

"Just a little bit"

"Enough to make you uncomfortable?"

"No, I would say the answer to that is most definitely no because I don't talk to her anymore anyways."

"Do you miss talking to her?"

"Wait, when did this become about me? Where are all these questions coming from?"

"I just want to know", I shrug.

He seems to be thinking about it a little too much. What is there to think about? "Not really. I mean, sure, it was fun for a while but I have you now..."

"That's good to know"

"Tell me something..."

"Would you talk to her again? Like, if she tried to reach out to you?"

"No. Why would I want to do that and risk this perfect thing that I have going on with you. I would never want to lose you, you mean so much to me", he says smiling at me and looking at me as if I were the most precious thing he's ever seen in his life. He grabs my hand while he puts his arm around me, "wanna know something?", he asks.


"I love you"

I freeze for a couple seconds and the smile.

"What?", he asks.

"I love you too", I say as I look into his eyes.

"Nah, you hesitated", he jokingly says.

"You're such a kid, Harvey", I tell him and he giggles, "wanna know why I took a few seconds to respond?"


"Because I was just thinking about how much I wanted you to say that to me and how lucky I am to have you in my life. I really love you, Harvey, you have no idea how much"


I wasn't sure if I should finish the story here, but it kinda felt right even though I'm really terrible with endings. Thank you so much for reading my story, tho. I rlly appreciate the support guys :) And I'm currently working on a new story , so watch out for that!

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