Twenty Four

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Hey :)



How did your date go


How do you even know I was on a date 😂

Were u stalking me again? :)


Haha you wish

I kinda just figured bc you guys were together after school


Aw you totally stalked me :)


I didn't but whatever helps you sleep at night :)

So how did it go


it was alright ig


wow you sound excited

I'm tired that's all

I think I'm going to bed now


okay goodnight


I've been thinking about it, carefully analyzing and overthinking everything Harvey's said whenever we've talked in the past week or so. He doesn't ever talk about Emily and whenever I bring her up, he has very little to say about her. Why wouldn't he be able to tell me how his relationship is going when we're actually very good friends? There has to be a reason why he's been avoiding to tell me. Maybe he does feel something for me and he thinks that by saying how in love he is with Emily, he's definitely gonna scare me off. Or maybe... he simply doesn't wanna hurt me with the truth...

Emily hasn't been looking that happy either, I wonder why that is. I see her walk past me on the hallway, so I decide to stop her. "Emily"

She turns around, barely even daring to look me in the eye. "Yes?"

I honestly feel bad for her. "Look, I'm sorry for what I said the other day. I shouldn't have said all that. I don't want you to think I hate you, because I really don't"

"Why did you say you did, then?"

"Because... I don't hate you. I just really really... how can I put this? I... dislike all the attention you get from guys"

She laughs, "what do you mean?"

"Come on, every single guy wants to be with you, even the ones I like... there's something special about you, but what's special about me? I'm indifferent to every single guy at school! I wish I were as lucky as you"

"That's not true. Listen, honestly if guys can't appreciate just how special you really are, then they don't deserve you. And look, I'm sorry too. I introduced you to this kid, basically told you to flirt with him and stuff and then after that I told you I liked him. And I know he liked you. I shouldn't have intervened and I'm sorry, and if I could do anything to stop liking him and to make him like you again, I would. I swear it was never my intention to hurt you, I feel terrible."

I put my hand on my forehead, and think about what I'm about to say. How I wish there was something I could do to make him feel that way about me again. "It's fine. I messed up as well. He likes you now and I should just accept that, you shouldn't be the one apologizing. I totally let my jealousy take control the other day. And see? This is why I said I hated you", I chuckle, "because despite the fact that I was a total jerk to you, you're still... the nicest person alive, I don't know how you do that"

"Well... number one, because you're my friend, and number two, let's just say that there are things that are worth getting into a fight about, and some others aren't, and this one isn't one of them, I don't want boys to break us apart"

As much as I still hate what she did, I gotta admit that she's not only hella right, but hella nice as well, and she's still one of my best friends. You get my problem? I just cannot hate her.


"I'm just saying, you should probably try to pay more attention in class", I hear Ashton telling Jordyn when I walk up to them.

"He's right. You definitely don't wanna fail that class", Arya adds.

"Yeah, but I really don't understand a thing"

Arya looks at her, "I told you I'd help you, but you have to do your part as well"

"Exactly, it can't be that hard, all we're asking for is for you to pay a little more attention to what the teacher is saying", he says.

"Oh my god, Ashton, shut up", Jordyn answers rolling her eyes, "you sound exactly like my dad"

"Well, sorry about that, but I care about you"

"Well, maybe you shouldn't. I wasn't even talking to you. I was talking to Arya in the first place"

"I just wanna help"

"And I said I don't want your help"

"Fine, do whatever you want", he looks at me, frowns and says, "oh if you came here to try to help her out, I suggest you don't, she probably doesn't need your help either", and then walks away.

"Wow, what was that all about?", I ask

"I'm an idiot. I totally scared him off, didn't I?"

Arya shrugs, "You need to be a little less..."

"You", I say, "no offense, but seriously, he was only trying to help. And you like him, you want him to get closer to you, not away from you"

"I get nervous. It's not... I don't mean to be rude, it just happens. I can't help it. But why would it matter anyway? It's not like I'll ever stand a chance anyhow"

"I guess we'll have to figure that out"

I DON'T. [harvey mills] Where stories live. Discover now