Chapter 34: Second Chance

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“What the hell are you doing here?!” Bom screamed at the two men standing outside her gate, heavy snow falling down on them. She angrily looked at Young Bae holding Jiyong up who clearly looks devastated.

“You two have the audacity to show your faces here. Well you’re in for a surprise. Dara is not here and I’m not going to tell you where she’s staying. Go home.” She was about to turn around and leave them when she heard Jiyong speak. His voice is so broken and weak.

“P-please, Bom. At least let me explain. Please.” Jiyong held on the metal gate as he pleaded and sobbed.

“I’m sorry but Dara told us that she doesn’t want to talk to you anymore.”

A sharp pain in his heart made Jiyong wince when he heard those words that Bom uttered. It’s over. It’s really over.

“I understand.” A tear fell from Jiyong’s eye and he quickly wiped it away.

Bom and Young Bae’s eyes locked with each other. They both looked away, embarrassed. Bom turned her gaze on the brokenhearted Jiyong and saw a reflection of herself when Young Bae left her once upon a time.

“Jiyong.” Bom said. She sighed deeply.

Much to Jiyong and Young Bae’s surprise, Bom opened up the gates to let them in.

“Jiyong, I’ll give you a chance… something that wasn’t given to me by someone I once loved. But promise me one thing, you must tell me the truth.” Bom softly said. She felt a slight pain in her heart as the memories of Young Bae giving up on their relationship resurfaced.

Jiyong grasped Bom’s hands and bowed to her. “Thank you.” He whispered weakly.

Bom secretly chastised herself for offering her help to the enemy. Once she saw herself in Jiyong, her hopeless romantic heart just couldn’t say no. She felt like she needs to help Jiyong. Dara will definitely kill her.

Bom is sitting across Jiyong and Young Bae in her living room next to the fireplace. The fire is lit giving the room a warm, cozy glow, a stark contrast against the weather outside. The snow is coming down hard and it’s already dark and cold. She’s sitting on her white wing chair, her feet curled up under the blanket.

“I want you to start at the very beginning…on the day when Dara rejected you when we were young. Tell me exactly what made you come back for revenge and when did you realized that you were still in love with Dara.” Bom braced herself for a long night as Jiyong started telling them about his past. At times, Bom gasped and silently nodded her head. Jiyong had to pause several times to compose himself as he fights the urge to cry.

Bom consciously glanced at Young Bae who is staring intently at her. She’s beginning to regret inviting him inside but she can’t just tell him to go away. He’s got that invisible force on her.

Oh God. I hope I can stay focused on listening to Jiyong while Young Bae is here. She thought as she helplessly bit her lower lip and internally struggle fighting the charms of her ex boyfriend.

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