Chapter 13: Mission: Six Pack

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Dara’s enjoying the cool breeze of the morning grazing her long and soft brown hair. She arrived a little early so she was able to savor this moment. She’s usually scampering to get in the office in time so this is a little unusual for her.

Last night was a rude awakening for Dara. She has come to terms and accepted the fact that her heart is torn between Seung Hyun and Jiyong. Seeing Jiyong and Sulli together made her realize that it’s not just admiration she’s feeling towards Jiyong. It’s something deeper. As much as she doesn’t want to admit it, seeing them last night awaken something inside her heart.

Speak of the Devil…Dara thought. Her competitiveness just kicked in the minute she saw the clingy koala.

Dara saw Sulli walking at the same pace as hers towards the entrance. They saw each other and stopped. Their heads turned to  looked at the elevator at the same time and then back to each other. 

Without exchanging words, they both knew they had to get in the building first before the other. Sulli quicken her pace. In her mind, she wants to beat the hell out of Dara.

 It’s now become a silent battle on who will enter the elevator first. 

Dara started to walk faster. Must…not…lose…to…her , Dara thought while gasping for air. She’s now almost near the entrance.

 Sulli looked at how fast Dara is advancing and decided to make a run for it. She’s running as if she’s at the Olympics, not caring if the other employees are giving her strange looks.

 When Dara saw Sulli making her way closer to the building, Dara sprinted towards the entrance. She turned her head to her left to see where Sulli is when to her horror; she saw Sulli zoomed past her with record speed.

Omo! I need to run faster.  Dara pulled her skirt up a little bit, just like what Sulli did, so that she can catch up.

Noooooo! Dara screamed in her head.

“Ding!” The elevator door is starting to close with Sulli already inside. Before Dara could get in, the elevator doors closed. She saw the clingy koala waving  goodbye to her.

“Bye.” Sulli mouthed the words to her while smirking.

 Darn it! I’ll get you next time Sulli.Dara is about to sulk when she saw the stairs. A ridiculous idea came to her and she gave out an evil laugh and started running up the stairs.

She stopped on the second floor and pressed the button of the elevator.  Dara then run up the stairs again and did the same on the third floor elevator causing Sulli’s elevator to stop on every floor of the building!

Harharhar! Even if I get tired from running up the stairs Sulli, you’re not going to get to your destination without the elevator opening on every floor. Dara victoriously grinned even though she’s already tired and sweating.

She kept at it until she reached the 30th floor. She waited in front of the elevator while wiping her sweat. Even though she’s panting like a worn out racehorse, she felt her tiredness washed away in an instant when Sulli stepped out of the elevator and gasp when she saw that Dara is already there before her.

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