Chapter 27: Love is in the Air

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“So, how did the date go? I want the full details Dara!” Bom squealed on the other line making the sleepy Dara jump off her bed.

“Bommie, it’s freaking six in the morning. Please give me a break.” Dara looked at herself on the bathroom mirror, half asleep with her cell phone on her ear. Bom definitely needs to control her feelings.

“Why?! Is he there?! Did he spend the night?! Kyaaah!” Bom inquisitively screamed so loud on the other line she almost made Dara deaf.

Dara pulled away from her cell phone and massaged her forehead as if she’s got a headache. “Calm down, Bom! For your information, Jiyong was a perfect gentleman last night. He just kissed me good night and went home.”

“BORING!” Bom rolled her eyes. “ I should call you guys  ahjussi and ahjumma. You’re so old fashioned.  You make me laugh.” Disappointment is evident in Bom’s voice. Here she is, waking up early in the morning to get in on the action and Dara Ahjumma just burst her bubble.

“You must definitely meet with me today to discuss what happened last night. We need to refocus on our target.” Bom said with absolute resolve.

Dara can’t help but roll her eyes on the childishness of her best friend. All she can do is agree on her trivial requests since she knows that once Bom set her sights on a goal, she will never let go until it’s ‘mission accomplished’.


“Good morning Dara. Care to join me back in bed?” Jiyong sheepishly asked with a smile, his half naked body pressed on Dara’s back as he hugs her from behind.

“Wait..HUWHAAT! OMFG! Isn’t that Jiyong’s voice?! Explain yourself, SANDARA PAAAARK!” Bom screamed at the top of her lungs.

Dara quickly turned her phone off in a panic and tried to escape from Jiyong’s tight embrace.

“KWON JIYONG!” She screamed and accusingly pointed at him. “ How could you do that? Oh no you don’t! Don’t you dare use your puppy eyes on me! I know you did it on purpose! You wanted Bom to find out you spent the night here! Are you freaking out of your mind?! My Ghaad! The two of you are driving me crazy!” Dara grabbed her robe and went out of the room fuming with anger.

“Baby Girl…I’m sorry my little firecracker. I didn’t mean it. Come back to bed with me.” Jiyong said in his cute voice and pouted.

Jiyong followed her from behind with just his boxers on, a smile plastered on his face.  He saw Dara froze and stop in her tracks.

“Gwaark! I think I just vomited in my mouth.” The guy sitting on the sofa said.

“SEUNGRI!” Dara screamed in horror. She looked behind her to warn Jiyong that Seungri is back from Japan but it was too late. He already saw and heard them.

“Ahem.” Seungri cleared his throat as he uncomfortably watches Jiyong scrambling to hide from his view.

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