Chapter 1: We Meet Again

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The sound of her alarm clock on her bedside table woke her up from her deep slumber.

Omo! It’s already 9:00 AM and I am officially late... AGAIN! Dara thought while silently cursing for over sleeping.

She quickly jumped out of her bed, her hair in complete disarray. She grabbed her towel and started running the hot water for a quick shower. As she lather’s the shampoo on her long locks, she tried to think of different reasons to tell her best friend Bom, why she’s late again for the nth time.  

Bom is very lenient to her since they’re best friends but today is different. The new CEO of the company is coming and she can’t afford to be late at this crucial time.

Dara’s lips quivered as she stepped out of her shower onto the cold marble floors of her bathroom. She can clearly see in her head how Bom will explode if the new CEO arrives before her. She and Bom practically grew up together. They were neighbors in Busan. You could say they’re sisters from a different mother. They went to the same grade school, high school and university and do not keep secrets from each other. Heck! They even fell in love with the same man. That was totally creepy but they were kids then and Bommie moved on already.

Choi Seung Hyun.  

Sigh. Dara smiled as the thought of his smile flashed in her mind, the smile that destroyed her sanity.

Unlike her best friend, Dara will never move on from loving Seung Hyun. She knew right then from the start that he was meant for her. He is her first and probably her last love. But the thing is he's so dense and clueless he doesn't know she’s in love with him even if she tried to confess so many times!  

“Aaaaahhhhh! Bommie… please don’t kill this goddess divine for being late. I still want to experience being loved by Seung Hyun and bearing 12 of his kids! Okay, just 5 of his kids. Waaah!” Dara mumbled as she scrambled to get in her car and floored the gas pedal as soon as she was out of the parking garage.

Sandara Park. 28 years old. She lives on her own in a very exclusive condominium in the city.  She’s the Chief of Operations in Talent Management and Development at SM Entertainment. Men swoon over her ethereal beauty but she never entertains any of them. Her skin is creamy white and glowing. Her eyes are the windows to her soul, expressive yet mysterious. She’s single but not available since she is reserving herself to her first and last love, Choi Seung Hyun. She met him when she was still a little girl, been in love with him for over 2 decades but can't seem to capture his liking. She did everything to show him how much she likes him but Choi Seung Hyun is not your average man. He is dense…over the top dense.

They are now co-workers in SM Entertainment and he had a number of flings and girlfriends in the past years but Dara never gave up on him. She told him numerous times about what she feels about him but he never took her seriously. There were times when he confides in her whenever one of his girlfriends breaks up with him but he always "friendzones" her.  She tried seducing him countless of times drunk or not but he ends up either dozing off in boredom or laughing at her. 

She's beyond frustrated already. What should a girl do in order to capture Seung Hyun's heart?

Throughout this entire ordeal, there's only one constant person in her life, her best friend Park Bom. Bom is the Chief Operating Officer of Music Distribution and Advertisements and also the niece of the President of SM Entertainment. She’s carefree, talented, smart and beautiful. Many have tried to ask for her hand in marriage but Bom seems to be unimpressed. It seems that she hasn’t found her match.

They are childhood friends along with Choi Seung Hyun and Kwon Jiyong. Although for some strange reason, Jiyong and his family abruptly left for America when they were 16 years old after his miserable and pitiful confession of love for Dara. That memory is etched in her mind forever for whenever she remembers his face after she harshly rejected him; her heart breaks into tiny million pieces all over again. She never saw him again or heard anything from him.

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