Chapter 9: Illumination

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At last, Jiyong and Dara arrived at the beach.  Jiyong carefully removed Dara’s blindfold. When she opened her eyes, she couldn’t believe how romantic everything is.

It’s a dinner date on the beach! thought Dara. There’s a table in the middle of the beach with two chairs and candles everywhere. There’s also a string quartet playing an instrumental version of “All About Your Heart” by Mindy Gledhill in the background.

The whole walk way towards the table is lined with yellow rose petals and candles. A chef and two wait staff are waiting at the end for Jiyong and Dara.  The sun is almost setting.  

On the other side of the private beach, Dara saw a medical team and an ambulance standing by.

What?! Medical Team? Ambulance?! Dara thought to herself.

"Uhm, Jiyong?" Dara asked him while pointing at the medical team.

"Oh! Them? I hired them just to make sure that if anything goes wrong, you'll be safe." Jiyong proudly said.

"Oh. Okay. I'm glad, at least I won't have to suffer the humiliation of you doing the heimlich maneuver on me" Dara jokingly said.

"On second thought, I think I'll send them away so that I can do the heimlich maneuver on you myself," Jiyong playfully said while laughing.

"You wouldn't dare!" Dara jokingly said to Jiyong.

When they reached the table, Jiyong pulled out a chair for Dara. The chef and wait staff started to serve them their scrumptious dinner. They are both awkward and nervous at first so they couldn't think of anything to say to each other. Jiyong will look at Dara and she will look away. Dara will look at Jiyong and he will look down with his cute gummy smile showing. Jiyong broke the silence first.

“So, how is our first date so far? Are you okay? Are you cold?”

“Uhm, it’s really nice Jiyong. I am okay, thanks.”

“I didn’t realize you have this in you, this romantic, charming side. You should’ve asked me out sooner.” Dara jokingly said while smiling sweetly.

What the hell am I doing? Dara said to herself. All of a sudden I am flirting with Kwon? Shame on me! What happened to my faithful one sided love for Seung Hyun oppa?! I am a traitor! But...but Jiyong's so sweet tonight I can't help it. Why am I wavering?!

"Dara? Dara? Are you okay? You kind of spaced out on me," Jiyong worriedly asked her.

"Sorry!" Dara chuckled a little bit. "I was just admiring the view."

Jiyong blushed thinking that when she said "view" she meant him. "I think my view from here is much more beautiful. You're the perfect view Dara" 

What?! Jiyong thought to himself. 'You're the perfect view Dara'? Is that the lamest line or what? I can't believe I just blurted that out to Dara. Oh God I totally look like a loser to her now, Jiyong mentally cursed himself.

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