Chapter 32: Last Resort

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“DARA! JIYONG! What the hell is going on?!” Bom screamed, holding on to her umbrella and furiously watching the two making out in the pouring rain.

Jiyong is sitting on Bom’s sofa while Dara is sitting across him. Bom is standing in between them with her hands on her hips and in deep thought. She walked slowly towards Jiyong but stopped and went the other way.

“So, you guys are…?” Bom peeked at Jiyong and Dara.

“Yes…” Jiyong answered with a wide grin.

Bom once again walked around the room in deep thought. Dara and Jiyong followed her with their gaze.

“What about…?” She asked Jiyong.

“I’ll talk to my Mom. Don’t worry.” Jiyong gave Dara and Bom a reassuring smile. Dara bitterly smiled back.

“Very well, then. I just don’t want Dara to get hurt. I just felt that she needed some time to think about this but I guess I was wrong.” Bom quipped. She gave Dara a timid smile and a hug. “Oh, Dara. I hope you made the right decision.” Bom murmured to her before letting go.

I hope so too. Dara wanted to say to her but just kept it to herself. Her best friend has a lot of things to worry about already and she doesn’t want to burden her any longer.

“Okay. Let’s all go to bed then. Jiyong, you should stay the night. There’s a storm and I think you’re drunk.” Bom stood up and yawned. It’s been a very long day.

Dara stood up followed by Jiyong.

Oh my God! Finally! Dara and I will be alone. And since we just made up…we probably will have some mind blowing make up …Jiyong’s trail of thoughts started to drift to the pervy side.

“Wait a minute!” Bom turned around sharply and pointed her finger at him.

Jiyong was so shocked he automatically raised his hands in surrender as if he’s guilty of something.

“You’re staying in the west wing, Jiyong. Dara, you’re staying in your room. I don’t want any make up sex to happen under my watch. Chaerin will kill me!” Bom sternly said while shaking her head and looking at the guilty face of Jiyong.

“Aww.”Jiyong murmured in disappointment. Dara looked at him in disbelief trying to stop herself from giggling.

“Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. PSY sajangnim is not my uncle for nothing. I know what’s going through your mind, Kwon Jiyong.” Bom squints her eyes like a hawk.

Bom pulled Dara away from the pervert and started walking away. Dara turned her head to give Jiyong one last look and secretly blew a kiss for him. Jiyong acted like he caught it and put his hands together on top of his head, forming a heart.

Jiyong turned to his side unable to sleep. He's too happy to fall asleep. He moved around the bed trying to find a comfortable position but to no avail. A wicked smile formed on his lips as he quietly went out his room. He tiptoed his way towards Dara's room making sure that the coast is clear. He took a deep breath before slowly opening her door. He cautiously walked up to Dara's bed trying to hold back his overwhelming feels.

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