Chapter 21: Forget the Past, Live for the Future

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The odometer of the Ferrari is hitting 200 mph. Images of Dara being held in the Lotus Pavilion flash right before his very eyes, making him tighten his grip on the steering wheel.

The city is fast becoming a blur for him. He’s now in the outskirts of Seoul, and little by little, the familiar surroundings of their hometown are coming into view.

 A few more minutes and he’ll arrive soon at the Lotus Pavilion, the place where he vowed that he will never return to, but here he is, back to the place that used to haunt him in his dreams years ago.

 Dara, I’m coming baby. I’ll be right there. Just hang tight…I’ll save you.

 Meanwhile, back at the SMYG Building, President Psy is still bothered about the tattoo of the kidnapper and the bumper sticker. He’s seen those before but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. Is he one of his employees?

His secretary entered his office and interrupted his thoughts.

“Sajangnim, I’ve brought you some food since you haven’t eaten.”

“Food?...” President Psy felt something familiar when he heard that word.

You need to take a break Sajangnim. Your people are not going to stop until they find Dara-shi. They’re not going to give up on the man with the tattoos. He’s the closest one that we've got to finding Dara-shi.”


“Food…Tattoos…” President Psy mumbled, his brows furrowed in deep thought.


She carefully started unpacking his lunch in front of him when all of a sudden, President Psy grabbed her hand and stopped her.

 “I knew it! I remember where I have seen those tattoos before! Call Bom on her cell phone, PALLI!”


Bom and Young Bae are sitting next to each other in Dara’s condo. He’s trying to offer her something to eat but Bom declined.

 “Bommie, please eat. You’re trembling and going into shock and that’s not good. Please, even if it’s just one bite.” Young Bae pleaded.

 Bom turned towards Young Bae and looked in his eyes, trying hard to suppress the urge to kiss him.

 God, I miss this guy. I miss his kisses, his eye smile, his caring ways and his abs. Heol. He’s just…

 Young Bae felt Bom’s gaze at him. He turned to look at her and saw her plump lips.

 Wrong move!


 Slowly, he leaned closer to her. Right at this moment, all his rationale went down the drain and his overwhelming love for Bom resurfaced.

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