Chapter 17: How Do You Mend a Broken Heart?

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“I won’t make this too long Bommie.”

“I am breaking up with you.”

“’I’m sorry but I don’t love you anymore.”

Bom dropped her cell phone on the floor. Her eyes are now filled to the brim with her tears. She doesn’t want to cry but it hurts so much, she feels like dying. She can’t breathe and can’t think rationally. All she knows is that she has to fight for her love because he’s everything to her.

“No. Y-You don’t mean that.” Bom shook her head in disbelief, tears are now falling freely on her cheeks.

Young Bae balled his hands into a fist and tried to control his emotions. All he wants to do now is scoop her up into his arms but he doesn’t want to make this relationship drag on any longer because he doesn’t want to fall deeply in love with her and be hurt in the future. He’s not going to go through what his father went through when his Mom left them for another man.

“It’s true. I cannot go on loving you anymore.” He looked away the minute he said those words. He can’t bear to see her like this. I am a fucking bastard to do this to you Bommie. I am selfish. He thought.

“I can change Young Bae. Just tell me what you want me to do and I’ll do it. Just please…don’t leave me. I cannot bear to lose you. I- I love you so much! Can’t you see that I love you?…Please don’t leave me.” Bom pleadingly went down on her knees and sobs hysterically. She’s begging him to take her back.

Young Bae held her arms and is now forcing her to get up.

“Don’t you ever kneel down and beg for a man’s love! How could you do that?! Leave some respect for yourself, damn it! I am not worthy of you Bom!” Young Bae screamed at her while shaking her violently.

“You’re hurting me” Bom quipped. “Please don’t leave me. I thought you love me? What happened to you? To us?”

Young Bae gently let go of her and said, “I’m sorry.”

“I have fallen for you but not enough for me to be brave enough to get hurt. I am a coward, Bom. You deserve better.” Young Bae said, a tear escaped his eyes.

He looked away so that Bom cannot see his eyes, afraid that it will betray him. He couldn’t believe how painful it is to say those parting words. In the past, he can break up with his ex girlfriends and not feel pain. But how come it’s so different with Bom? How come he’s having second thoughts? Has he fallen completely in love with her?

Bom started wiping away her tears. She slowly walked up to Young Bae and touched his face making him look at her straight in her eyes.  She looks at his face, memorizing every line, his longing eyes, his chiseled jaw lines, and his lips…everything about him is perfect, like he is made just for her.

Slowly, she pulled him closer to her and gave him one last bittersweet kiss for her to remember him by.

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