Twenty Nine

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-1 month later-

"Road, road, road, road, road-" I start off but Tony cuts me off.

"No, we are not starting that song." He says with a laugh.

"Fine." I say with a sigh.

"You ready to see your mom?" He asks.

"Yeah. I'm just worried to see how the twins are going to act on this road trip." I say.

"It's around 4 hours and we've only been in the car for ten minutes. Let's hope it stays this calm for the rest of the time." He says.

"Yeah." I say.

Around ten minutes later, the twins start whining and fighting.

"That didn't last long." I say with a sigh.

"Give me the iPad! Mama, Luka won't let me play with the iPad!" Laela yells.

"It's my turn!" Luka yells back.

"Mama!" Laela whines.

I look in the mirror and see Laela grabbing the iPad. They fight over it and I turn around. I grab it from them which only makes them complain more.

"Stop fighting over the iPad. Laela it was Luka's turn on it." I say.

"Mama, can I have it back?" Luka asks in a small voice.

"Not right now." I say before turning back around.

"Three hours and fifty minutes. We got this." Tony says while grabbing my hand.

"Hopefully." I say sighing.

I see him glance over at me and give me a small smile.

-2 hours left-

"Here's a snack you two." I say handing them some food.

The gladly take it and eat it. When they finish, I give them the iPad and headphones so they can watch a movie. I eat something as well and pull out my phone.

-not that far away-

"I missed this place." I say looking around Las Vegas.

"So have I." Tony says with a smile on his face.

"Do you two remember this area?" I ask the twins.

"Yeah. Can we go to our old house?" Laela asks.

"Sure." Tony says.

Not that long after, we stop in front of our old house. I feel tears come to my eyes as the memories from living here flood back.


I sit on the floor in front of the couch. Laela sat a couple feet away from me with Tony beside her with his phone out. Luka was playing next to me. Suddenly, Laela stands up and starts to take a few steps towards me. She makes it to me and we cheer for her.

"I'm so proud of you princess." I say hugging her.

She smiles and starts giggling. I kiss her cheek and smile as well. I look up at Tony who had tears in his eyes. He smiles at me and comes over.

-end of flashback-

I look over at Tony who also had tears in his eyes. He looks back at me and gives me a smile. He leans over and kisses me.

"Should we get going to the place then?" Tony asks quietly.

I nod my head and hold his hand. He pulls away from our old house and I give one last quick glance to it. After several minutes, we make it to the place. We get out of the car and grab our bags. We go up and knock on the door. The door opens and I see her there smiling at us.

"Hi Haiden." She says.

"Hi mom." I say.

She opens her arms and wraps them around me. I wrap mine around her as well and can't help but smile. She pulls away and looks down at the twins. She bends down to their height and hugs them.

"Hi Luka and Laela. I'm your grandma." She says.

"Hi grandma." Laela says.

"Hi." Luka says quietly.

She lets go and stands up. She looks at Tony and smiles. He gives her a forced smile and shakes hands with her. He lets go and she leads us inside. Tony grabs my arm and pulls me back outside.

"You know I still haven't forgiven her?" He asks.

"Yeah, I could tell." I say.

He nods his head and we head inside.

"Mama, grandma has a dog." Laela says excitedly pulling me out back.

We make it out back and I see a dog running around. The dog comes up to us and I put my hand out for it to sniff. It then licks my hand and I smile.

"That's May." Mom says.

"She's so cute." I say as I'm petting May.

"I love her already." Laela says.

I see Luka standing by the door and wave my hand for him to come over to me. He slowly comes over and stands next to me. I grab his hand and hold it out. May sniffs his hand and licks it making a small smile appear on his face.

"Well, I'm going to go finish dinner. Do any of you want to help?" Mom asks.

"I do!" Laela says quickly.

She jumps up and follows my mom inside. When they are inside, Tony comes out to join us.

"Did your mom tell you the dog's name?" He asks.

"Yeah, her name is May." I say.

"Mama, I'm gonna go inside." Luka says.

"Okay. Are you going to help grandma?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says.

"Okay, wash your hands first." I say and he nods his head before running inside.

I sit down completely on the patio and so does Tony. He reaches over and grabs my hand.

"Remember the nights we would spend out here looking at the stars?" He asks looking over at me.

"Yeah. I missed that." I say with a smile on my face.

"We should do that again tonight." He says while kissing my cheek.

"That sounds like fun." I say.

"I missed it here in Vegas." He says.

"I missed it too." I say.

"Dinner's ready!" Mom yells.

We get up and go inside. We wash out hands and sit down. The food was at our seats when we sat down.

-night time-

"Come on mamas. The twins are asleep." Tony says while grabbing my hand.

He takes me out back and we sit down. May decides to follow us. She lays her head on my lap and I pet her head. I lean my head against Tony's shoulder and smile. We look up and look at all of the stars.

"Remember, this is where we had our first kiss?" I ask.

"Of course I do. This is the place I knew I loved you and wanted you to be mine forever." He says.

I lift my head up and turn towards him. He turns his head towards me and leans in. Our lips connect and his hands go to my waist. He pulls away putting his forehead against mine.

"I love you so much." He says.

"I love you too." I say.

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