Sympathy to Empathy - Rewritten

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3 Months Later – Gabrielle’s POV.

“So are you excited for your first ultrasound Gabs?” Lottie asked, in level with my stomach which hadn’t even grown yet. It was my twelve week ultrasound today and I was so excited but scared at the same time. Mark was away on a game and as much as he tried, he couldn’t get back so Lottie had decided to come with me, especially because Aana wasn’t here either.

After the wedding, things changed which just left me and Lottie here in London, still. When I came back from my honeymoon, I  found out Aana had left for Spain a  week before. Lottie just said she needed space and something to take her mind off Joe. Apparently, she couldn’t do that here. I had phoned her a few times, around once every few weeks maybe. She’s been fine, she just asks how the pregnancy is and says she has to go. Nothing else, nothing about when she’s coming back, nothing about how she is or what she’s doing.

“Mrs Gabriella Cavell, room 21 please.” The speaker repeated. I nodded at Lottie in confirmation that I was ok and walked down the corridor to the room where I was expected. Lottie was following behind me, texting away on her phone, probably with Nate, they’re inseparable. As I walked into the room the Nurse greeted me and asked me how I was, asked me if everything was ok. To both questions, I nodded. Under her instructions I climbed on to the blue bed in the centre of the room and lifted my jumper. There was no sign of a bump yet, which I was thankful for because I wasn’t ready to start shopping in the maternity isles. In the programs everybody said how cold the gel felt on your skin but like anything you don’t understand to that extent. Now I did, as soon as the gel came into contact with my skin, a shiver ran through my body in an instant. The nurse smiled at me weakly and moved the camera stick thing around my stomach, watching the screen intently.

“Everything seems to be great Mrs Cavell, your expected due date is the 22nd of July, however as you may know this is only expected and may vary. If you wish you will also be able to find out the sex of the baby between the sixteen week and  twenty week period. If you have any problems, please contact as or book an emergency appointment.” The nurse said, handing me a tissue to wipe the jelly off. I nodded and thanked her, leaving the room with Lottie in tow.

“I’m so excited Lots, you don’t even understand.” I said, shaking Lottie’s arm.

“I know Gabs, so am I.”

“So back to mine for a celebratory orange juice?” I grinned. Luckily Lottie could drive so we had no trouble catching Taxi’s and at worse times, buses. Nate brought Lottie a beautiful blue Mini for her birthday so she had a car now. I had also passed so that meant it wasn’t always left down to Aana to chauffer us around.

“So have you spoken to Aana or Veronica recently?” I asked Lottie,  turning down the radio.

“I spoke to Aana yesterday I think, she couldn’t wait to get off the phone though, and I’m worried about her. Not to mention Joe. Nate was speaking to one of his friends who he’s been with in Tuscany for some reason and he said he’s off the rails out there. Constant parties, drinking and girls. His friend was worried about drugs as well. I didn’t tell any of this to Aana though, she needs the detox from him. I can’t help but be worried about him too. Nate wanted to go out and bring him back but he was advised against it. The friend said it was best to leave him to it and let him get it out of his system. You know it’s weird how the strongest of us fell apart the quickest. So when I spoke to her, like I said I think she’s hiding something. I don’t know if she’s doing the same. I know she drinks but I think she’s sensible enough not to go further than that?” Lottie said, pulling into my drive way. I nodded and thought about it, climbing out of the car and walking into the house. Lottie followed me inside but came to the same halt I did when we reached the living room.

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