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QUARANTINE GOT ME MISSING MY FRIENDS, OKAY? because i love them so very much, and i've been wanting to write a piece about them, and good lord, i get emotional even thinking about them. honestly, this quick piece does not give these amazing ppl justice. I LOVE YOU. do good, be well. <3

F R I E N D S .

The people who can come and go with different stages of your life, their value forever important and never changing. Because they are the people who help shape you and mold you. The people who can fade into less importance of your life, but forever hold a fond place in your heart. The people who drift into your life later on, carving their own place, allowing you to grow around them, grow with them. The people who have stuck around for the crazy ride of you for a long while now, not ready to unbuckle, ready to keep on going until they throw up, and then maybe even some.

The people who can be there just for a day – still important and wonderful and life-changing – or for decades. The people who agree to any favour, no questions asked; whether that be painting a room or moving a body.

The people who shoulder burdens with you, the ones who open their souls to you unwaveringly, and who you open yourself to, and who look at you – ugly scars and all – unflinchingly and with unconditional love. The people who make bad days manageable, and good days even brighter. The people who make you laugh louder than you ever have in your life, and who share moments of all shades of emotion with you.

The people who care for you, and love you. The people whose hugs feel warm and loving, a safe haven form the rapidly moving world around you. The people whose tears and heartbreak are your own, along with their triumph and joy.

The people who are one of the reasons to keep on fighting, the people who stand by you come hell or high water, the people who remind you of why life is worth living.


The people you choose, whether you want to or not. The people who choose you. The people who continue to choose you.

The people who you video call until ridiculous hours with, the people who you accidentally wake up half the neighbourhood with your shrill laughter during sleepovers, the people who do dumb shit with you, the people who stand by you in tough times. The people who tease you with a smile. The people ready to come with pitchforks and guns blazing should you be threatened, and ready to drive wherever you need.

The people you have extended sleepovers with and stupid inside jokes with and provide advice to. The people who you itch to talk to and take pictures of, just to immortalize the mundane things. The people who complain that you take all their snacks, yet unfailingly packs extra just for you.

The people who you dance stupidly and sing off-key with. The people who annoy you like nothing else, but you wouldn't - couldn't - trade for the world. The people who watch TV shows with you - from dumb to funny to serious to tear-jerking - and heckle the characters on screen with you. The people who don't give a shit about the fictional characters you're spiraling about, but attentively listen and humour you anyway.

The people who drop off chocolate chunk cookies at your doorstep just because you said you wanted some. The people who never fail to answer your desperate call when you need it, relentlessly reminding you that you are worth so much and you deserve so much.

The people who you flip off with a fond smile, the people who's smiles make your day, the people who you send memes and posts to when they remind you of them. The people who recommend music to you, and the people who you listen to shitty bands for.

The people you confide in.

The people you laugh with.

The people you love.

The things about friends, is that you love them in this whole complete way that is skirted over much too often. It's never said enough, those three words. Because friends are the people who you choose, and that is unbelievably fucking important. Because you chose them. You chose these amazing people who are so considerate, and think of you, and who love you, and who turn your world. These people who make you brave and so uniquely you, that you wouldn't trade it for the world. Friends are special, because you work for them. You don't have the opportunity to blame it on a blood relation like you can with family.

Friends are so fucking amazing, because they offer you a shoulder to lean on before you even know you need it. They are people who stay even after you push them away, because they love you. And that needs to be celebrated.


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