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HAPPY MONDAY. okay so this may be the last update in a while, simply because the next few chapters (who's kidding who, it's legit just the next chapter XD) are very personal (?) and will definitely require some time on my part before publishing them. or maybe i'll just say ' fuck it' and publish them soon, who truly knows when it comes to me? nonetheless, i hope y'all are having a wonderful day, happy late diwali, and happy almost halloween! do good, be well. <3

G O D .

God is the chant that comes from sinners and saints alike. God is the word that echoes desperation and elation, and is the saviour to all, especially those who don't deserve it. God is bowed heads and folded hands, incantations and fluttered shut eyes, hoping for salvation of some kind.

God is what those turn to for a last resort, long after they could redeem their souls; God is the first word of the day, kissed with a smile for the thankful.

God is a fevered prayer that falls from the lips of the damned and the blessed. Of the good and bad. God is the last minute word for saving the people who never really believed, God is the daily presence of the faithful.

God is heaven. God is hell. God is Earth. God does exist. God doesn't exist.

God is something to everyone, whether it's omnipresent in the dust in the air, or a being looking down from their ethereal golden throne, or nonexistent.

God disillusionment, God is clarity. God is beautiful, God is cruel. 

(And who's to say those things aren't synonymous?)

God is there and sometimes God is not.

But the belief in God; the faith? Whether you know it or not, you have that. Whether you're religious or not, you have that. You have faith, whether it's strong or not, whether it's in God or not, because it's that which makes you human.

Because the faith that humans possess, keeps our world as we know it, spinning.


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