grand finale.

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HELLO  AND MUCH LOVE TO ALL YOU WONDERFUL PEOPLE. This piece was - once again- written around 2(?) years ago, during a particularly devastating period in my family, when we lost a number of our beloved ones in close succession. I would strongly recommend listening to Cassini- The Grand Finale by Sleeping At Last which serves not only as inspiration for the title, but also vibes pretty well w the entire work (the song is legit so stunning). So for all my mamas and mamis and kokas and aitas who have passed, you are so loved and I hope you are in peace now. This one is for you guys. do well, be kind. <3

G R A N D   F I N A L E .

It was tragic, but not saddening. It wasn't common for that combination to be, but it was.

Their life was something to be celebrated, rather than their death mourned. It was seconds and minutes, and days and years of their bright smiles and pure tears. Of laughter that swept in like the tides, all encompassing; and a sort of empathy that rang with each breath they took in, exhaling at the same time as another living organism. They had lived through bad times and good times, and they made mistakes, but they had a lot of triumphs too.

It wasn't the worst way to go. Passing peacefully surrounded by friends and family was quite nice, actually thinking about it. They died knowing, and honestly, that was enough.

It was like a grand finale, the stunning final act before the heavy curtains drew together for the last curtain's call. There would be no encore. Life didn't work that way. They would never come back, and that itself warrants a sort of sadness, but the fact that they died doesn't.

Their life is a wonder, soft notes blooming with colour and life, lighting up the great hallway of accomplishments that their life had. It's a pretty long hallway. Their death is just the lingering sound of the violins, the strings still vibrating ever so softly; touching in a way you'll never understand.


It's not something you've known, but as you see their still figure, you think you have some morsel of understanding of the emotion. Peace, is that moment of rest from this journey to the next, and all those small minutes when you stand back, putting the bigger picture into focus. When you stand back, and see a mirage of memories, each so heart-achingly vibrant, and though you can feel many things during a time of peace, it's the fact that you can level it all that makes it so special. That no matter what is happening, you can damn it all for just a second to hear the melody that life has always played, but you have not always heard.

So you don't cry for the sadness that mars their memory, but rather for the happiness you feel knowing them. Knowing that you got to witness their last breaths and that they smiled at you and for you.

You cry because, god, this emotion isn't something you feel enough to name, but it's overbearing in the most achingly greatest way possible. But you don't move to wipe your tears.

Grand finales are sort of spectacular anyway.


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