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HOW'S IT GOING, YOU LOVELY HUMAN? i hope the answer was 'glorious, amazing, fantabulous, thanks for asking garggie' (ur welcome) and that the week has been treating you well. i'm swamped by work that i helpfully procrastinated till the last minute (whOOPS) but that's me. so the last piece was more serious and darker(? that doesn't feel like the right word, but i can't think of  a better one atm), so i wanted to counterbalance it. cause balance is very important, kids. ;) love you! do good, be well. <3

S U N S H I N E .

The feeling of sunshine cannot be described so easily. Some say  don't you mean happy or joyful?, but no, sunshine is a different feeling.

Sunshine is the warmth that bubbles deep within your guts, curdling in your stomach and twisting and turning as it blooms slowly. It takes you by surprise, that sunshine, seeping into your marrow and lighting up your veins gradually, liquid gold coursing through your bloodstream. 

Sunshine is unexpected laughter that escaped firmly closed lips, tumbling deep notes that fill the air with their richness, a snort and a flash of teeth. Sunshine is the barest of tugs at your lips, pulling gently, coaxing a peaceful smile and the sudden tranquility that smothers chaos.

It's peace like you've never known; a stillness that cannot be felt otherwise. It's contentedness, a moment in overexposed fields of gold or in the steady beat of rainfall. It's the warmth of peace that sinks deep into your being, making itself a home that you wish it will never move from. It is heavy and reassuring, that sunshine, its weight reminding you of the good and happy and whole and tranquil.

Sunshine is delirious laughter late into the night, where the world looks a little faded at the edges, a sort of twilight that makes the world so much richer and more vivid. It starts at the base of your spine, sparking throughout your body, reaching out towards others and catching them as well. Sunshine is the beam of joy that shoots across the dark sky of consciousness, sending you into a trance of liquid limbs and hazy smiles.

Sunshine are the crinkled eyes, screwed so small you would think they were shut, overcome with an indescribable feeling - sunshine - the corners wrinkled with lines that trace out happy stories that deserve to be immortalized in ink.

Sunshine is hazy as it gleams over everything, optical flares from that beating organ we call a heart, halcyon joy that seeps into your skin and sends light awash you. A beautiful feeling that sunshine is, so full that it makes your lungs sing and heart burst.

Sunshine is the sort of happy that happy just doesn't quite cover, a feeling so chaotic and peaceful, the paradox of it should prevent it from meaning as much as it does. Sunshine is gradual and sudden. Sunshine overtakes and subdues. Sunshine is never guaranteed and almost never stays. But even for just a moment - the second the sun peaks out from behind the clouds - sunshine is unforgettable.


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