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T O   B E G I N  I should start by saying that this is a haphazard collection of almost rants on the most random of things. All in all, the pieces themselves are quite short, very scatter-brained, and most probably deliriously concocted by moi at a very late hour. So apologies in advance, for that. This is an off-tangent rant book full of thoughts and feelings that are (warning) entirely my own, so please keep that in mind. The entries have been written by me in various points of my life, some a few years ago, the others, months ago. Either way, it's kinda short and choppy, but that's all part of the charm, amirite?

W A R N I N G themes such as depression, anxiety, and other negative emotional feelings are documented in some entries, you will probably know which ones to avoid if you so wish by the titles. They're pretty self-explanatory. Please take care of yourself, lovelies! Also, the entries are full of a ridiculous amount of swearing, probably because I'm angry a lot of the time while I'm writing them. So yeah, prepare for that.

M I S C E L L A N O U S Updates will be sporadic, and there's no exact ending. The title is quite true, I'm afraid. ;) 

Thank y'all for reading (hopefully it's readable?), you are amazing, and yeah. Much love to you all!

do good, be kind. garggie <3

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