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HEY YOU BEAUTIFUL PERSON. i hope you're doing well! i have zero idea if any of this makes sense, but i was just struck by the idea of intimacy, and was so very inspired listening to novo amor (specifically embody me, i'll link it above) so i just kinda wrote stuff. hopefully it checks out? XD in any case, enjoy, and i love you do good, be well. <3

I N T I M A C Y .

Hands intertwining, fingers locking in. The soft caresses on cheeks, the warm fan of breath on necks. 

Sitting in content silence, basking in the presence of someone else. Just existing the the same solar system of someone else, gravity drawing you together, and the constant motion of life keeping you from crashing into one another and exploding.

A breath one person breathes in and you breathe out; the synchronous inhale and exhale. Chests rising and falling together.

Tracing the ridges of bones and lines of muscles and cuddling against the softness of bodies. Running your fingers through strands of hair, weaving them together in a braid. Unravelling it with care, pulling out bobbypins and gently brushing through.

Tugging zippers down. Carefully doing up buttons with tongue-poking-out-of-mouth concentration. 

Winding your arms around someone else, holding them as close as you can, trying to fuse into one. Being warmed to the bone by the heat they emanate. The coolness of their skin being a balm to the blaze burning inside. Nuzzling your nose into someone's shoulder, squeezing them as tight as possible, cradling their head.

Running and jumping into someone's arms. Casually slinging an arm across someone's shoulder. A piggyback ride. A quick embrace from behind. Resting your head on someone's shoulder and then resting theirs on top of yours. Letting someone use you as their pillow. Running your hand down someone's spine comfortingly.

Massages. Spooning. Forehead kisses. Cooking together. Sharing a small joke. Buying a small present because it reminds you of them. Curling up, watching a movie together. Getting tucked in.

Being held as you cry, allowed to grieve in peace. Tears involuntarily coming to your eyes as you witness them in pain. Having your hand held as you get a needle, because you hate it. Getting a jacket of hate or mitts because you always get cold easily and they always bring an extra for you.

A sleepover with your best friend, eating melting ice cream straight from eth carton and whispering until ungodly hours. Sharing a morning coffee with your parents, the sunshine streaming in through the window. Getting food with your siblings, throwing food for the other to catch in their mouth. Sharing a goodnight's kiss with your partner in the serene darkness, interrupted only by the moon's glow. You and your crush, not caring about the unsaid rules of no double texting or waiting however many minutes before replying. Passing by a mirror and staring in amazement as you find something new you start to love about yourself.

Baking cookies with your shoulders brushing up against each others. An absent-minded hand on the waist as they pass by. Slow-dancing out of nowhere, not caring for the finesse of the movement, just for the shared moment of existing in the same space, becoming one for a moment. Looking into someone's eyes, and not being scared by being laid bare. Trusting someone with the ugliest and most shameful parts of yourselves, and not being judged, rather than loved.

Intimacy never comes in one form, but the feeling it brings is the same. And there's nothing quite like it.

The warmth that floods your system, champagne bubbles that start at your toes and rise all the way through. The quiet and peaceful love that builds up without you even knowing. Intimacy is the sudden realization that you've found your people, that you have a special closeness and love.

Humans need to fall in love - with others, with the world, with themselves. They need to breathe air and find something intoxicating about it, drunk off of the extravagance of being alive, of being loved, of sharing touch and space.

Humans need intimacy. They need closeness and the warmth of human touch and the joy of growing with, growing into, others. We long for the belonging that is our birthright. We ache for the safety and feeling of home and our own little nook of people who become home.

And when we find it, treasure and cherish it, for however long it lasts. Whether that be the matter of seconds, or a lifetime.


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