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HAPPY SUNDAY. school starts again tomorrow which majorly sucks, but we're going to ignore that and live in denial. cool? cool. anyway, how are you all doing? i hope you've been enjoying the leaves of gold and chilly mornings and sweater weather (because fall is the superior seasons srry i don't make the rules). update on me: today i discovered and subsequently become obsessed with the song anchor by novo amor. it's like *chef's kiss*. love.  do good, be well. <3

B R E A T H .

There's a freedom in a deep breath, so filling that it makes your lungs hurt and your heart burst. Eyes still blurry with unshed tears, and a shaky pain deep within your chest, you breathe. And it might be unsteady, wavering and weak, but no one can say that the moment that you can draw air back into your lungs isn't a miracle.

Every second you breathe, is another proof that there are beautiful things in this world, because you are a beautiful thing, and the fact that your body will never betray you no matter how hopeless you are, is a beautiful thing.

A breath in the forest in the best, where we are among what began us and what shall end us. The trees and the wilderness, breathing in sync with you and your tiny lungs, so full of air that isn't tainted with our greed. Air that is pure and reminds us just what is means to be human. Reminds us that even though time is invaluable, taking a second to fucking breathe and be aware of how we do that, is not a second wasted.

Even when the world is ending and the sky is falling, you can still bow onto your knees and breathe, because what else can you do? Breathing is how we fought to stay in this world from when we were born; screaming and crying and breathing because hell if the world claimed us before we could even see the stars.

Be aware of how each inhale is a blessing, and each exhale is regaining balance, because each breath is resetting the clock. Taking the hourglass and flipping it once more, because each breath is a reminder that you are here and you shouldn't be anywhere else.

Breathing is breaking free of chains, because god it hurts sometimes, but god you are stronger than you'll ever know; and each in-and-out of your breath is what proves that. Breathing in the bitingly cold air may sting your nose and leave sharp tears brimming your vision, but it clears your lungs and makes you feel the heaviness of your lungs, so full of life.

And even if your body cripples in on itself, even if your mind is at its breaking point, your lungs will stubbornly push on, breathing in and out. And when your lungs collapse under the burden of the world you carry between your shoulder blades, there'll be a small sigh that escapes your lips, the shakiest of breaths.

You won't ever stop breathing without a fight because you have to prove to yourself that there is that beauty that you recognized in yourself. The beauty that made you breathe against all odds until the burning end of the world.

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