Air on a G String (pt.2)

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You are practicing with Brett again this afternoon and you both have fun playing pieces that you know for hours.

Orchestra practice is practicing Prokofiev now but the concert date is still far. You and Brett had reviewed it a while and now you are just chilling.

The feeling of practice with him feels different now that you and Brett are together. You feel far happier, spending time practicing with him. Sometimes your heart felt nervous too.

Brett smiles when we are finished with a certain piece. "You have improved quite a lot, y/n, I'm happy for you."

You smile back. "Really?"

Brett nod. "As your deskie and practice buddy, I can guarantee that."

"Aww... Thanks, Brett, I can see you have improved as well." you said. "...In your, communication skills."

Brett instantly feel shy, his cheeks slowly become red. "It's... because of you, you know.'

You look at Brett confused. "What? I didn't do anything."

Brett grins, he softly poke your nose with his bow. "Yes, you are. You teach me how to love someone."

Your cheeks become red as well. "Hey, stop that! You're making me blushed! How hazzard of you poking me with your bow!"

Brett laughs. "Just get used to that."

You pout your lips. "Fine."

Brett still snickers with your reactions, then hold his violin again and plays a piece for you. It's a piece called Salut D'Amour.

You slowly smile hearing that relaxing and beautiful piece, forgetting what Brett's prankster side and enjoying Brett's handsome face playing the violin. Your red face stays through the piece.


You got home from Brett's at about 4 pm. You put your violin in your room and go to the kitchen to look for food.

"Oh, you're home, y/n." Your mom, that is in the middle of brewing tea, greets you.

"Hey, Mom. Is there any snacks? I'm kinda hungry." You asked.

"I'm making beef steak for dinner soon. Do you want some tea to wait?"

"Yes, please." you smile.

Silence began to dominate the atmosphere.  You only see your Mom making tea in silence.

"Hey, y/n?" your Mom calls you. She stopped her activity.


"About the other day," your Mom said softly. "I'm really sorry for forcing you. I didn't know Eddy was like that to you."

"Oh," you said. "It doesn't matter now, Mom. It's okay."

"Why didn't you tell me about it?" your Mom continues her activity, then signaling you to follow her to the family room.

"Well, I wasn't sure about something." You followed her.

"What thing?" Your Mom puts two cups of tea on the table and sits in the chair.

"Well, I'm really terrified about how Eddy is now, he becomes so mean," you said as you sit beside your Mom. You slowly frown. "But you know... the little Eddy was not like that right?"

Your Mom smiles. "You want to know why he has that temper now?"

You sighed. "Honestly, Mom, I do not like him at all. I even hate him because he gets so annoying now. That's why I get so stressed when you said we should immediately married just because he's so successful. But...."

You look at your Mom. "As a childhood best friend, sometimes I think... do you think he has some reason to act like that? Everytime I asked him why he changed so much, he didn't really answer me."

"Yes, maybe you're right," Your Mom stroke your hair caringly. "Haven't you contacted him? He doesn't seem to come lately."

"Probably because I said he's nothing to me." You said with regret.

"Oh yeah, that was not nice too, y/n, you should say sorry to him," your Mom said in a scolding voice. "I'm really pissed Eddy apparently "put a mask" to me all this time, but you shouldn't have said that."

"I've tried to call him yesterday, but he didn't pick up at all. Then, my phone died."

"Then, maybe you two aren't meant to meet for a while. He must had a business. It's okay, y/n, you'll meet him again someday." your Mom calming you down.

"I sure hope so."

Your Mom smiles. "How are things with Brett, darling? Do you have fun practicing with him today?"

You enlarge your eyes. "What-"

"You really defending him at the beach back then. I can see you really had fun with him there."

Your face instantly become red again. "He's really a gentleman, Mom."

Your Mom starts to look at you with a prank face. "You love him, don't you?"

"Mom!" You laugh nervously, makes your Mom laugh as well.

You quickly stand from your chair, intending to go to your room before you embarrased from your Mom's words.

But before you go, your Mom calls you again.

"After all of this happened... Do you mind with the idea inviting Eddy for dinner?"

You give a small smile. "Sure, Mom."


To be continued :)

How is it?

Next part will be mostly Brett and Eddy scenes!

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