Sibelius (pt. 2)

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Eddy's POV

Why do you do something so foolish?

"Oh, shit. Not again."

I don't even know why I'm here. But, the breeze on this rooftop deck is so pleasant.

I'm sitting alone, leaning to its short walls, with my flannel and dark jeans. My bag is sitting beside me, accompanying my blank daydream. It's my third time coming to this quiet place.

No one will like you.

It's been 3 years since I exclaimed my happiness, leading an orchestra for the first time. It was so memorable, I can't get it from my head. My tears was filling my cheeks that time, as I finally achieved the job of my dreams.

But, that's not the only thing. It's also been about seven years since I left those people who always comes to me, giving some nonsense about me without reasons.

Elemantary was great, but I guess I will be too relatable to highschoolers out there.

I was so happy to have a good school library with lots of books about music, and reccess was always been my favorite time. I just can read all the music books there. Also search anything about them in the computer. But you know, who loves a boy with glasses, only befriended to music, when he can get together and socialize?

You are a nobody.

My hands started to clench into a fist. I bit my bottom lip, holding some anger that started to fire inside me.

I was just a boy with dreams.

I love making friends, well, yes, at least until those guys from my class came to my life.

To think, I didn't really care someone talks trash about me, but it's different when it occurs through years.

Thinking I can adapt to a new place there was a mistake.

I just think if only... my only best friend all my life was there to support me. My kindest, beautiful friend that I cherished, even after I moved away.

But, she's not.

My only friend from Sydney. I didn't even have a clue how she goes with her life when I was away.

I wonder if she forgets about me now?

Well if she is, they were right. I basically don't have anyone in my life. Even my dad passed away in the middle of it. My mom didn't even support a music career. That's all I think through my high school days.

You are a fool.

After a few years of growing alone in music, let a grunge growing inside me unconciously, I finally came back to Sydney with a new me, hoping to see my best friend again.

I have born as a "3 year-old" prodigy and NO ONE will talk trash about me ever again.

Those guys who threaten me in my school days...

I've showed you all that I'm Eddy. The world's best musician you will kneel before. All human beings will be in the lower level than me now.

I smiled with pride, imagining them somewhere crying with despair, begging me an apology for those horrible days.

But, it wasn't flowed smoothly as I planned.

Yes, I finally succeed to meet my best friend again, y/n, who also pursue music. Her mom even give a huge blessings for us to be together.

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