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Author POV

Chisa jump up and down so happily when Eddy arrived at her door. She quickly pull Eddy's hand into her house.

"Come on, come on! Eddy nii-chan must meet Chisa's family!" Chisa said. She can't hold her happiness.

Eddy can't do anything except followed her around. He never seen this little girl so happy. She's so excited, it's almost he can believe if someone told him that she never felt sad one bit.

"Chisa, don't pull the guest's hand that hard!" A young woman laugh and shout to her softly. She holds a flute case in her hands.

Edsy glance to her. His eyes enlarge when he sees the flute case. "Um... Sorry, do you play the flute?"

"Oh, this?" The young woman point to her case. "Yeah, I just finished practicing. Sorry."

"Oh..." Eddy said, didn't really know what to say anymore.

"You're... Eddy, right? Chisa has been about you for quite a while. I see you have made her happy so much lately." She come closer to Eddy and Chisa.

"Um, I should be the one who's thanking Chisa," Eddy grabs Chisa in his hands. He smiles. "She gives me a lot of fun times."

"Chisa always happy playing together with Eddy nii-chan!" Chisa said to her. She glance to Eddy. "Come on, lets play first, Eddy nii-chan!"

"Chisa, dinner will be starting soon. Come to the dining table, please." Another woman appear from thw kitchen, looks like it's her Mom.

"Okay, Mom!" Chisa answers.

Eddy tries to smile to her Mom, even it is awkward. "Hello, Mrs."

Her Mom nods her head. "We're pleased to have you. I hope Chisa doesn't give you too much trouble."

Eddy shake his head firmly. "No! She's been a great help to me!"

"Well then, dinner is ready, so let's chat about it on the table," her Mom said. She glance to the young woman with the flute. "Toni, put your flute and join us."

Oh, her name is Toni, Eddy thought.

"Okay!" Toni answers. She glance to Eddy. "You and Chisa can go ahead."

Eddy nod silently.

Toni walks away to the upstairs, while Eddy and Chisa follows Chisa's Mom to the dining room.

Eddy just chatting with Chisa until the whole family arrived at the dining room. He didn't know what to do since he didn't really come to anyone's place before.

Well, except for y/n' place. But, that was a long time ago when he still has that bad habit.

You can do it, Eddy.

Today, Chisa's family prepare a bunch of chinese food for him. Other than Chisa, Toni and her Mom, there's her Dad, and several cousins join them. There are 8 person in total.

"So, what do you do, exactly, son?" Chisa's Dad ask while they were eating.

"Um... I'm a classical violinist, Sir. I play as a soloist and hold my own concerts too." Eddy answers.

"Oh, that's great, I heard Chisa always hears you practice. Somehow you played with her, correct?"

Eddy smile nervously. He look at Chisa's Mom and bow his head politely. "Before that, I... I really want to say sorry about the other day. I didn't mean to let Chisa cries alone, Mrs."

"Chisa is okay! Eddy nii-chan always gets too worried!" Chisa, who sit besides him, tries to calm Eddy down.

Chisa's Mom smile looking at Chisa's attitude to Eddy. She can see how Chisa love him like her own brother.

"Forget it, son. That was a long time ago, isn't it?" Her Mom said. "After all, you have been nice to her afterwards. For that I thank you."

Eddy look at her with gratefulness. He didn't really think that Chisa's Mom would forgive him for what he did. That was a small matter, but it really bothers him all this time.

"See? Chisa already told Eddy nii-chan Mama loves Eddy nii-chan!" Chisa said.

Eddy glance to Chisa and smile warmly. He stroke Chisa's hair softly. "Arigatou, Chisa."

Chisa nods a few times. She keeps showing Eddy how happy she is.

"Oh, you know japanese, Eddy?" ask Toni with curiosity.

"Eh?" Eddy glance quick to Toni. He scratches his neck. A red tint starting to appear on his cheeks. "Well, a bit. I kind of... watching anime when I was little."

"Whoa, same for me!" Toni said with a smile.

"Toni here plays music too, she plays for various events, for a part time job." Chisa's Mom said.

"Oh, what's the main job, if I may ask?" ask Eddy.

"I design merchandise." Toni answers.

"I see..."

"You must be really happy with your career if you able to stay until you're a soloist." Toni said again.

Eddy silents, he slowly frowns hearing that words. All the flashbacks are coming back again. All the things he have done seems will be stuck with him forever. When he was supposed to be happy, but he really didn't felt any happiness at all, apparently.

He remembered when he decided to leave Brett and y/n alone, but Brett didn't want that to happen. That's another stupidity that he done. Now he wonders, will y/n do the same thing as Brett if he told her about this?

"Eddy?" Toni's voice suddenly reach his conciousness again.

"Huh?" Eddy looks at them in blank. They all now looking at him, showing a confuses face, demanding an explanation why he was silent.

"Are you okay?" Toni ask. There's a worry tone on her voice.

Eddy slightly smiles. "I'm fine, don't worry. Just a slight flashback."

"You got a bad experience on your career?"

"Well, anyone would experience those things on their career. It's just the ups and downs," Chisa's Dad taking over the conversation. "The important thing is how you get up from it."

"....Really?" Eddy's voice weaken.

"Sure. You must experience ups and downs when you're not a soloist yet. You will be fail on playing a piece, fail concerts, but you apparently need them to grow."

Eddy silents.

The dinner goes on, it turned out a great dinner for Eddy. He gets to know Chisa's family more and they are looking forward to his next visit too. Chisa and Toni finally escort him to the front door after the dinner's done.

"Let's play music together sometime, Eddy." Toni said before Eddy goes home.

"Sure," Eddy answers from the front door. He kneel to Chisa's height. "See you soon, little girl."

"Un un!" Chisa nods happily.

After that, he really walks away from their house and gone home.


To be continued :)

I hope no one's forgetting about this story after I procastinating too long :v

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