Eddy and Himself

510 19 36

Eddy's POV

I found a note again when I finally come back home from y/n's. It's from Mom, she must be in work right now.

I made some chicken soup, heat it if you want to eat, okay? Be kind and call me if you have come home. I love you.


I give it a little smile and immediately get my phone. I dial Mom's number.

"Hey, you finally called." His Mom's voice immediately reached his ear.

"I'm home." said Eddy warmly.

"Did you stay at y/n's yesterday? Did it go well?"

My smile faded a bit hearing those questions. I actually did not want to talk about what happened last night. "....Yeah. It's going well."

"Have you had breakfast yet?"

I nod. "y/n made sandwiches."

"Oh that's great! Okay then, see you at night, son. Don't forget to eat lunch, okay! I'll make you Hotpot tonight!" his Mom sounds happy.

I smile. I love Hotpot. I haven't had it for a while. "....Mom?"


I silent for a moment, bit my lip to say the next sentence. I rarely say this, specially to her all this years but...

"....I'm sorry I worried you." I let it out quick.

There is a silents after I burst that out, but Mom talks again after that.

"It's normal wanted to have privacy, Eddy. Don't worry about me."


"Come on, the important thing is you're okay. Now, now, go practice happily, okay?"

I sigh, then smile again. "Okay, Mom. Bye."

I end the call and walk to the dining table. I get some chicken soup my Mom has made, then eating it slowly.

I still remember that Mom used to argue about my career. I can still remember that she thought that I will have no life if I become a musician, and can't be successful that way too. But, hearing these supportive words lately from her made my career go slowly enjoyable. Evwn though I still have so many thoughts in my mind.

Drrt... Drrt...

I look at my phone screen. Oh, it's Jo, my manager. He's the one that gathers events from externals for me, before the promoter gets in touch with myself.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey, man. How are things?"

"Good. What's up?"

"There's a school wanted to invite you to perform in their inspiring musician event. They want the music class to have you to motivate the kids. How about it?"

School? Music Class? Motivate kids? That's something I never do in my whole life. I wonder if I should do it...

Can I though?

"When is the date, Jo?" I ask before answering the offer.

"Still quite far. It's 2 months from now."

To tell you the truth, I'm not so sure about what's so inspiring about me. I have a doubt that I can make those kids motivated. But I feel so wrong if I reject this offer.

"Hmm... can you give me a moment to decide?"

"Okay, just call me whenever you're decided."

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