Sibelius (pt.1)

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Today is the last rehearsal for Sibelius Concert. Next week will be the day your orchestra have to perform in the Opera House.

Now you are in the middle of the run of the Sibelius. All musicians and the soloist are focus to their sheet music, make sure to play correctly. Sometimes you also see the conductor that construct them with his hands.

After a month of practice, they really grew so much with the playing, result from their conductor. Even though sometimes the dynamics are off, but they all try hard to make a beautiful sound out of their own instruments.

The conductor ends the run with a big gesture to the up side, pause a bit then smile to the orchestra.

"Okay, you guys tried hard! Your sounds are beautiful as the bird sings. I hope you all can give the same spirit at the Opera House. Remember, don't allow any mistakes occur!"

"Yes, Sir!" The whole orchestra answers in unison.

"Well then. We will gather at the Opera at noon and get ready," the conductor says again. He turns into Eddy. "As for the soloist, can you please come earlier to a special rehearsal?"

"Will do, Sir." Eddy answers.

"Now if you please, go home and practice!"

"Yes, Sir!" the orchestra answers in unison again.

You all begin to pack up. The rehearsal is finished.

"Hey, Brett, want to practice together again?" you asked to your deskie.

Brett turns your head to you. "Sure. Hmm... now?"

You shook your head. "How about tomorrow? I need to go with Eddy after this."

Brett raised his eyebrows. "I thought you didn't like him?"

"Yeah, but it's a must for now," you said with a puffy cheeks. Of course you prefer going with Brett. But it's a promise. Huft. "So... how about it?"

Brett smiles. "Okay. Tomorrow it is."

You smile back to him.

"Ehem." Eddy suddenly appear around you and Brett, clears his throat. He seems overheard some of your conversations.

You both look at Eddy.

"Ready to go, y/n?" he asked.

"Yeah, yeah."

Before you and Eddy leave, Eddy look at Brett again.

Brett look back at Eddy with his deadpan face. "What?"

Eddy smirks. "Don't forget about who I am, Mr. Nobody."

Brett scoffs. "Do you have to spread some shit to people every rehearsal?"

"Oh sorry, but thats the truth, isn't it?"

Brett didn't nudge. He's just keep silent looking at Eddy and fuming inside.

Eddy take a step closer to Brett with pride. He put his hands into his own waist. "So you do dare talk to me after all your lowkey musicality?"

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