Twenty Two Part Four

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Reverend Donald Mahoney shook his head, a grin resided upon his face, a sparkling twinkle lit up his eyes as he walked away from the kissing couple.

He began whistling a happy tune as he made his way out of the church.

He stood on the stoop of the building, leaning back against the sturdy railing that wrapped itself around the landing and flanked the steps.

Donald grinned, whistled, and inspected his fingernails, as he patiently waited for the young couple to finish what they started.


Betsy now had all of Violet's attention. She did not nearly anticipate the fervor with which Violet came back to her and responded to her kiss.

Both of them were utterly and completely oblivious to the reverend's exit. Burning warmth slowly crept through them, she now clung tightly to his neck while he crushed her to his chest, her toes clearing the planks below them.

Violet was thrilled with his idea and with his wife. He felt his body eagerly responding to the closeness they shared, fueled by their passionate kiss. Though suddenly, he did gain the presence of mind to remember they were in a church. Easing her away from him, he set her down. Going to a knee in front of her, he decided to give her the opportunity to say him yea, or nay. His eyes twinkled up at her, revealing his excitement and hope, "Will you marry me, Elizabeth? Here. Today, tomorrow, as soon as we possibly can? Will you marry me in your Papa's church and have the good Reverend Mahoney bind us together before God with these good people who love you to bear witness?" Standing, he took her hand and led her to the front pew, handing her to a seat, he then sat close next to her.

"Violet, I think it is a wonderful idea," Betsy was incredibly touched that he had thought of having their vows be spoken in this place. "It would please me greatly, However, are you sure it is where you wish to make our vows before God?"

"Hell, yes!" Violet, for the first time since Betsy had known him, blushed. He bowed his head, and she heard him say, "Forgive me," he then looked up to the ceiling and she giggled as he cringed a bit.

She smiled widely, at his enthusiasm, at his blunder, and at his blush.

Lowering his gaze back down to look at her, it was in a somber tone that he continued, "It could not come soon enough for me, lovey, but are you truly ready? For there will be much more of what I told you about before, more of me appreciating you... And your body." Violet wanted her assurance that she was ready for this and all it entailed.

Betsy was now the one to blush and drop her gaze. For just a moment, Violet saw not only the woman he had come to love, but the shy, young maid he had first met upon the beach. Her eyes dropping now, reminded him of the numerous times she had done so the night they had spent talking on the point.
Then her face lifted, and he saw his precocious imp smirking at him. "I look forward to it, if I am to be truthful," she admitted boldly.

He grinned swarthily, before his face changed, taking on much concern, "You could become with child, Kitten. And if the King does not grant me a ..." Violet was not allowed to finish his sentence.

"Oh hush, Violet, we both know you have done more good than bad." Betsy admonished him.

"However, there has been the bad, lovey, and would hate to leave you burdened with my babe should I be hanged for piracy, which I did practice and I could be found guilty of."

"Burdened?" Betsy breathed, "Is that how you believe I would feel? Violet, I would praise God everyday that I had your child to love."

She spoke now with passion and a titch of anger, "We are married Violet. My heart to yours, my body to yours, for all of eternity. I meant the vows I spoke on the beach that day and I would have your child if given the choice." She was so sure she wanted a chance to have his babe that she felt tears welling up in her eyes. Pleading, she poured out her heart to her husband, "Burden me, Violet."

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