Forty Five

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Descending the steps and crossing the courtyard, the King and Lady Christine slowed their pace to a leisurely stroll upon gaining one of the garden paths that meandered throughout the castle grounds. A tall, thick hedgerow ran alongside to their left while well tended beds of ornamental trees, shrubs and plants grew to their right. Intermittently, iron lanterns dispersed their warm, soft light on the flagstone path and after a few moments of silence, Christine could hold her tongue no longer. "I've the feelin' you believe yerself to be a might bit tricky, Dickie." Her chastisement only seemed to amuse the furry beast, for his low chuckle sounding beside her brought a small smirk to her lips as she shook her head slightly in wonder. "I canna fathom how I did not know it ta be ye. Has it truly been tha' long, my laird?" Christine realized that in her previous musings he had not aged since she had seen him last, whereas now, with him right beside her, she could see the subtle tells of time passed.

An indulgent smile softened his handsome, hawklike features, "In truth, it has been a fair amount of time, my lady," the King offered by way of excuse. His ebon eyes were kind and inquisitive as they roamed her face. "A decade, at least. Would you not agree?" Knowing exactly how long it had been, the King found himself merely asking so he could hear her answer in her honey smooth voice tinged with a light touch of brogue.

Dipping her head in agreement, Christine concurred, "At the vera least, my laird." Lifting her hands, she took care in removing her wool bonnet before running a hand over her hair, seeking any brunette tresses that had escaped the tight, pinned roll at the back of her head. Finding a few stray strands, she handed her hat to the King before proceeding to lift both of her hands to tuck them back in. "And I shall also be laying blame on the patch you wore o'er your eye and the thick layer of soot that clung your jaw," looking down to unbutton her coat, Christine missed the wicked grin that sprung to the King's face as he watched her.

Noting her intention, he gently took hold of her elbow, bringing her to a halt. "Allow me, my lady," he assisted her in removing the long woolen coat that made up the rest of her costume. Placing it over his arm, along with her cap, he then removed his furry gloves, tucking them in with her things before he reached up to push his maned hood off his head allowing it to settle around his shoulders. Smiling warmly, he lifted his hand that was free of encumbrance, reaching out to stroke Christine's soft, smooth cheek lightly with the back of his fingers, "I am extremely pleased you are here, Christine, for in truth, it has been far too long," he offered sincerely. The warm timbre of his voice and the intimacy of his touch caused Christine to shiver slightly in the cool night air.

Savoring the feel of his hand upon her skin, Christine closed her eyes for a mere second, allowing herself to fully experience the pure pleasure his touch invoked. How many times had she wished she'd been more bold all of those years ago? More than she could count. Yet time had flown by so quickly, and she became determined to dwell in the present and enjoy the here and now. "Aye, Richard, it has indeed been far too long." Her smile smacked of regret, until she raised her hand to cover his and draw it down to remain clasped with hers between them. "And how is my nephew?" She queried brightly, though in truth, it had been only a couple of months since she had received correspondence from the both of them, and she knew Tomas to be well at last word. The monarch had always been good about that, always including his own letter containing glowing updates of Tomas' achievements.

"Still growing as a weed, still outsmarting his tutors..." The King chuckled as he thought of the many instructors that Tomas had gone through, for not one had been able to stay abreast of the boy's young, inquiring mind. "I am convinced he pours over the books in the library simply to oust them one by one."

Christine, hearing indulgent pride in the King's voice, felt a warmth infuse her. This man had taken Tomas when he was but a wee lad. Keeping him safe, the King had educated him, rearing Tomas as his valued ward, teaching the boy all that his future duties would entail. Her lips quirking in a wry smile, Christine agreed with his assessment, "He does seems quite determined to unravel the universe, showing great interest in things I have never questioned. He writes to me o' the moon, the stars, the sea and all o' the varied creatures that inhabit it. I find myself seeking out literature half o' the time just so I ken at all that he is tellin' me."

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