Forty One Part Four

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Violet and Betsy lay entwined, sated from their loving, enfolded in their furs. Cuddling in the flickering candlelight, appreciating the warm feeling of closeness they shared, they were content to simply lie side by side, Betsy's leg folded up across his thighs, her foot sliding up and down his lightly furred calf, his warm fingertips sliding back and forth slowly across the velvet soft skin of her hip.

"When did you know that you loved me, Violet?" Betsy swirled her finger upon his bare chest, drawing hearts and writing 'I love Violet' upon his upper torso.

"I believe 'twas the very moment your lady dragged you out from behind her skirts." Violet told her truthfully.

Betsy smacked him lightly while tsking, "You did not."

Violet looked down, his iris eyes catching her own, snaring them with his open, honest gaze.

"Truly?" She breathed, "You believe that you loved me even then?"

"I feel as though I have been created to love you, Elizabeth," Violet's eyes crinkled up adorably in the corners as he gave her a warm, assuring smile, "'tis as if I have loved you always, Kitten, even while I was waiting to find you." Violet brought his arm around her and began stroking her soft, chocolate tresses away from her brow. His eyes delved into the warm, honey depths of her own as he explained his reasoning. "Not once have I ever felt as I did when I first saw you." His hand stilled and cradled her crown. "It felt as though I recognized some part of me that had been missing, though I had not even realized it was." He began his stroking again, speaking softly, from his heart. "You brought innocence and light into my world that had gone dark and bleak. A world where I had seen nothing for so very long save filth, hunger and pain." A tear fell from the corner of his eye as Violet became overwhelmed with gratitude and love. Violet shrugged the moisture away, Betsy adjusting slightly to accommodate his movement.

An understanding, sad smile, and her hand holding his tightly upon his heart gave him encouragement to continue. "You would not believe the horrors that lie out there, my love. Hell for many this world would be, if there were no good men to help them." Violet thought of Brutus and he did not envy his friend in the least. Violet would be more than content to work here, beside his wife, where much help was needed also. Right here, in a place that already felt as home. Violet prayed that God would bless their efforts and guide their steps to helping as many children as they possibly could. Violet was very grateful to be blessed with a wife who understood how these children felt. Having lost her own parents she knew that abundant love, attention, and acceptance could  eventually cover some of the loss.

Having watched his small bride with the orphaned children aboard ship, watching as the boys had become as her younger brothers, Violet had no doubt that Betsy was going to make a wonderful mother. "Thank you for agreeing to wed with me so readily when I asked for your hand," Violet teased, attempting to joke his way out of remembering the things he had seen before, and the things he knew were yet to come, "I was praying you would come willingly, and that I would not have to steal ye from yer tent in the cover of night."

Betsy reached up and stroked Violet's cheek softly. "I love you, Captain Petals. 'Twas not a difficult decision to make." She whispered, as she stroked his cheek gently with her fingertips.

"And I love you more than you will ever know." Violet squeezed her softly, reaching up, he took her hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing her fingers softly. He smiled resignedly down at her. "From the moment I heard you bouncing off of the trees through the growth, I have had no doubt that you are the one God chose for me."

Betsy's eyes flew wide with surprise as she pulled one of the few hairs growing upon his chest. How did he... "Violet Petals! You are not to mention that ever again!"

"What!?" Violet looked down at her in feigned affront, "And to not tell our children that their mother bounced off trees after laying eyes upon me for the first time?" Violet shook his head slightly, chuckling, as Betsy glared at him. "Not bloody likely, Madame." Violet smacked the hand that tweaked his chest hair, very lightly, while teasing her, trying to make her wrinkle her nose.

Ah, and there it was.

Violet grinned as Betsy's face scrunched up in mock frustration.

"What, may I ask," Betsy tweaked his chest hair once more, "ever happened to, 'if it pleases you', Captain Petals?" Betsy drew her hand back quickly so that he could not swat it again.

"That was Captain Petals." Violet dismissed her question, "You have me to endure now. Plain, simple, boring..." Violet reached for her hand and brought it back to his chest, splaying her fingers over his heart.

Betsy snorted indignantly, "Yes, you are most definitely plain," Betsy rolled her eyes and shook her head, chortling at his estimation of his landlocked self. She slid her hand lower along his torso, circling the indentation low on his belly, as he sucked in his breath quickly.

Betsy ignored his response, except for a small smirk, as she began drawing hearts on his lower belly, "Simple, hmmm," she lowered her gaze and saw the sheet below his waist move of it's own accord. "Aye, a most simple man to figure out."

Violet's glowing, white teeth shone in the semi darkness, his eyes sparked with renewed interest as she teased him, drawing out her reply.

"And boring, do not forget boring..." Violet feasted his eyes on the silky, tan skin of her shoulder, wanting to place his lips there, not really willing to wait any longer.

"You were the one who said boring, my love." Betsy stated matter of factly. "I would never deign to..." Betsy did not finish her sentence as all thought was torn from her mind and scattered very far away.

Violet had come over her. He kissed her pert, little nose, then he kissed her adorable freckles either side, plucking a quick kiss from her lips, he lowered his head and began trailing warm, lingering kisses across her shoulder.

Betsy's smiling face became sensual, her body bowing up, reaching towards his, her voice entreated warmly,  "Love me, Violet." She begged, his warm breath on her neck bringing about a shooting shiver of pleasure.

Violet rose to kiss her lips softly, where he lingered and whispered lightly, "If it pleases you, Kitten."

Betsy purred encouragingly while Violet kissed her deeply, her arms held him tightly as though to never let him go.


I so appreciate each one of you! Your reads, your comments, your votes. For investing so much of your time into my humble work. It has been an incredibly fun ride for me and I am addicted to these characters. 

My greatest thanks to @Anneneufeld for my stunning cover, you are a true gem of the first water.

I want to especially thank my GrneyedIrishrose, as for many other writers on this site, she keeps us straight, catches our errors and takes from her own time and enjoyment of the read to help us smooth our stories out. Big, huge, grateful thank you to you, my Lady! I have valued your assistance every step of the way!

Blessings and love to all -Jaidesmamasmama

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