•chapter 29•

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I woke up slowly on a hard surface seemed to be very comfy I tried to get up but my feet and arms were tied fuck...I said quietly I looked around at my surroundings and noticed jack sitting on the other bed "JACK" his head turned but looked a little confused at where he was too "McKenna?" A smile grew on my face "Jack yeah it's me baby are you okay" he smiled "wait wait..your okay..oh baby your okay thank god" I smiled "where are we" he looked around an remembered what had happened "nash and Johnny put us in this hotel there out looking for hunter and kaitlin now" I hit my head on the backboard "ugh we need to get out of here" he laughed "don't worry,I untied myself after they left I knew they would find you so I was waiting" I giggled he got up and helped untie me before he let me go he hovered over me an kissed my lips "I've been missing that feeling" I grinned and pecked his lips one last time and we got up we ran to the door but it was locked from the outside wtf I growled I kept trying and trying and then jack randomly laid a hand on my butt "wth jack" he laughed and made his arms around my waist he started to kiss my neck I let out a small moan "J-jack what are you doing" I could feel him smile into my neck "calming U down" he whispered I took his chin and pulled it up to mine and leaned in till our lips touched he picked me up and we had a little kiss scene like in the move 'abduction' with Taylor lautner and lilli Collins the intention started to get slower and he put me down our lips rested on each others then I pulled away and kissed his nose "I love you jack" he smiled "love u to" I looked out the window and found a small opening "wait LOOK YES" I pulled the door up and started to climb out onto the roof sense we were pretty much on the roof already top floor master suit U get me...we got on top and looked around there wasnt really much to see besides the streets but one thing we spotted clearly was nash and johnny and it had looked like they spotted us too, "jack what do we do there coming" here give me your hand he said and grabbed it without me answering "what are you doing" he looked at me "trust me" i nearly threw up in the thought of what we were doing he started running towards the side and then we jumped i screamed but apparently we landed on smothing really soft it was a mattress "whoa where did this come from" he smiled "i knew you would come for me and  knew we were gonna have to do this so i thought of this" i giggled and we got up quickly and made our way to where the stairs door was and started running down that way. we got out the front door and started running towards the aparment buildings for hunter and kaitlin.


we made our way downstairs to the lobby area and was waiting for mckenna to come back so we decided to go out for her and head towards diffrent streets thinking that was a place where mckenna would have gone w erushed down every block but couldnt find anyone "ouch" i had ran into somebody "oh excu--" it happened to be nash i ran into "oh shit" i grabbed hunters hand and we darted down the street running into lazy people who wouldnt move we didnt get fast enough and i was picked up in the air by johnny and nash held onto hunter "AHH STOP PUT ME DOWN NOW" he laughed and just split me and hunter up by taking us down diffrent streets... johnny took me to this random builiding i was guessing it was like a meetings building because it was really nice but idk he dropped me of and put me in the ealvator and pressed the floor 100 "YOU IDIOT IM COMING BACK FOR YOU" i screamed he laughed nd waited till hte doors closed i pressed several buttons to be the next floor so i could get of early haha he didnt think that one through...


he seperated me and my girlfriend thats one big no no i got out of nashs grip and kicked him in the well yeah and rqan of towards where johnny was going and ran inside the building i hid behind a wall till johnny left and made my way over to the elavators and started doing what kaitlij would have done if he pressed 100 so i pressed the #2  to end the ride earlier and waited hoping ill see kaitlin

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