•chapter 10•

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On the way home, I sat with between nash and jack I laid my head on nashs shoulder and gave jack my feet "really" I grinned I'll switch when I get tired he smiled "u don't have too" he took my feet in tighter and eventually my eyes started to close and well I was of to sleep.


Mckenna fell a sleep on my shoulder she was so adorable I couldn't wait to ask her to prom the best time of our lives or only for the lucky people...


The whole flight I was thinking about me and crystal and well me and crystal have been secretly dating each other when she was dating nash. I had always liked her but when I heard she was dating nash I just couldn't hold back when McKenna went missing I told cris everything and she said the same back but before that we kinda would make out in the bathrooms. How will I tell nash about this I mean there not dating anymore.


I woke up to jack rubbing my leg "it's time to get of" at first I kinda felt uncomfortable but I know he only wanted to be friends so I was cool with it but I think nash saw and he started to ignore me when I tired to wake him up babe get up we have to get of "no" why not "nope" that didn't answer my question "okay what was your question" he said with his eyes still closed it's time to get up so get up so get up "nope" fine then I kissed his nose and his eyes flung open "okay I'm awake now" I laughed and he helped me get the luggage from the top sense I was so short. We walked to the car and me and nash got in the back seat.


I sat in the front driving, I was nervous because I had a secret to tell nash,me and crystal were dating behind nashs back and I had to get it of my chest.but here goes nothing,

Uh nash can I tell u something I said looking im the rear view mirror (or whatever) McKenna was sleeping on nash shoulder he looked at me "what's up man"

Um when u and crystal where "dating" I was dating crystal and I---

He just looked at me and shook his head he grabbed the wheel and started making the car go out of control.



I woke up to nash on top of me holding the wheel. NASH SOT DOWN GIVE JACK THE WHEEL U IDIOT!!!

He looked at me and apologized he turned the wheel into the side of the woods and everything was black.

•Friends with benefits• | n.g & j.g | completedWhere stories live. Discover now