•chapter 16•

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All I remember is McKenna on the ground screaming and then the pain I felt when I was hit...I woke up in the hospital bed my arm was really sore and it had a green cast and McKenna in big letters with hearts and I love you's all around it I smiled and looked at the full chair beside me it had McKenna sitting there with my California sweatshirt on and my favorite headband on her she was holding my phone in her hands cuddled up to her face, babe I whispered she woke up slowly she got up "oh ur awake" I opened my arms to her and she climbed in and sat with me on my lap so how's school been "babe uve only been a sleep for 7 hours it's 1:00 in the morning" *giggle* oh I'm sorry babe I'm really tired "it's okay baby by the way some guys if your are here to see u,hey u guys can come in now I know you all didn't leave" they all walked in Cameron,matt,Taylor,jack gilisnky and hayes HEY TWO!!!! I smiled hugging everyone of them "how are u doing or mostly what about McKenna *she went to the office to ask them when nash gets out* "how are you going to protect her when your hurt like this" matt asked i looked at him with a really worried face i shook my head i honestly dont know speakin of mckenna where is she dont you think she should be back by now? all the boys looked at me and we all got worried "im going to go look in the front guys call her phone" jack said i got my phone out and called mckenna it went straight to voice mail but the one where it tells you this number doesnt exist.


i ran up to the front and didnt see mckenna "hi have you seen a girl with brown hair he had on a american eagle sweatshirt and she was kind of your hieght" the nurse nodded "yeah i saw her this guy i guess her boyfriend grabbed her by her rist and took her outside and i havent seen her sense" i thanked her and ran of to nashs room "guys i think johnny got her" nash looked at me with tears in his eyes i grabbed the other guys and nash and we all got into the car *nash was allowed to go* we all drove off and went to go find mceknna we tried chasing her phone and everything i turned on the radio "breaking news guys a teenage girl has gotten loose out of jail if you guys hesr this message and have heard of her please call north carolina police department and guy with blonde hair and it sure is messy has gooten her out please call" nash turned the radio and put his head to the window w ewill find her dude dont worry shes not far "how do you know dude for all i know she could be dead" you my be right dude but dont think that we are gonna go to johnny's house first and if there not there go to crystals or yours.

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