•Chapter 1•

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I woke up to the loud noise of my alarm clock on my phone it was 4:30 "ugh" school. I got up an dragged my self to my closet to grab some clothes. As I make my way to the bus stop I tripped and accidentally fell into the back of somebody "I'm sorry I didn't mean too!" He turned around and said "it's fine! And btw I'm Nash! I'm new in town and don't know anybody but I'm going to middle creek high school and i don't know what bus to get on!" I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying, i was paying attention to his bright blue eyes. Uh what I'm sorry, Hi I'm McKenna, u go on my bus number 2478! He smiles "great and do u sit with anyone on the bus" I shake my head, no everybody on this bus is rude or disgusting so I sit alone your welcome to sit with me though. The bus pulls up and I make my way to the back as I'm walking through the isle everybody is throwing crumbled up paper and wads of used tissue at me,but as soon as nash stepped on everybody went quiet and all the girls smiled and winked at him. To be honest I'm not all the pretty I have brown hair and braces I have glasses, but only for reading and I always dress in Nike socks and running shorts almost everyday until i actually feel like I'm pretty one day. I sat down and nash scooted in beside me,I have to admit he was cute,but he would never fall for a girl like me. I took my phone out and started to play some music the whole time I was staring out the window trying to zone out all the screaming and laughing and name calling, after awhile I got bored so I started to go on Twitter for a bit a new notification popped up

[@nashgrier has just followed you] I turned my head to see him smiling at me thanks I giggled he giggle "so when we get to school can you show me around" I nodded my head and went back to staring out the window. The bus came to a stop and nash let me out the seat he held out his hand to help me get up sense I was in the inside and you have to scoot out I grabbed his hand and got up,he was so polite. We walked into school and I walked to the office with him to get his schedule. Okay nash you have 1st and 2nd with me and the rest of the classes are near mine so I can help you with that when u get out of your classes okay! I walked into to 1st with him and every girl starts to stare he puts his arm around me I walk up to Mrs.Hodgon our math teacher jeez she's so annoying "hi mrs.h--"she cut me of "GO SIT DOWN HE CAN INTRODUCE HIMSELF" I roll my eyes and give him the sorry look he smiles and starts to talk to mrs.hodgon "okay nash introduce yourself to the class" she says with a fine smile,she must like him too. "Hi I'm Nash I moved here from Charlotte and Ya hi" everybody smiled all the jocks had a smirk on there faces and all the girls literally had hearts as eyes, nash walked over and say by me as soon as he sat down all the girls came running over to talk to him it was annoying all they said was "hey u single? Hey are you a virgin?" I crossed my arms and slouched in my chair I went on my phone and got a text from some unknown number

"Somebody is gonna get bullied to day and u will be left behind from that nash kid"

I smiled at the text yay! I get bullied again. I always have gotten bullied but I didn't care I would always continue with my day but if it was a girl then it always ended up in a fight.i looked around the room and spotted on of the jocks laughing and staring at me he must have sent it. I got up and switched moved my seat towards my best friend grace chapman we had been friends for about 2 years now I met her when we were both freshman's I went over and talked to her for awhile sense all the girls by nash were begin so annoying. After about an hour of talking with classmates the bell finally rung for 2nd period it went the same as usual only we actually learned. I walked out and over to my locker to grab lunch as I was in there somebody came by and swung my locker door on my fingers HARD! AHHH OMG OW! I screamed I fell to the floor holding my blue and black fingers "that what u get for nash stay away from him" it was crystal that blonde headed freak who thought she was perfect everyday she literally goes and makesout with a diffrent guy. I stood up as she walked away laughing nash came up behind me "boo" I turned around spoked "God nash u scared me" he giggled "what happened to your fingers?"he said while grabbing them ow um the girl crystal slammed them into the locker "oh,you okay" I nodded Ya I'm fine just need to go to the nurse that all I did a fake smile "so see that girl with the blonde hair over there" he pointed out crystal I nodded what about her "she got and I wanna ask her out is she cool?" I looked at him with a are you serious face, Ya she's popular but I don't like her he laughed well her goes nothin I stopped walking by his side and watched him ask out crystal she smiled and jumped on him kissing him rather hard but passionate dang that boy can kiss! I walked towards the other direction and went to eat my lunch. The whole time I watched crystal and nash flirt at there stupid table. I ended early and went to the gym to practice my solo for dance with the theatre teacher. I practiced for about an hour and it was about time for time for 6 period which was gym , the whole day my hand hurt like hell but I guess that's what I get for doing absolutely nothing. I went back to my locker after school and went to gather my things nash once again came up behind me "HEY" hi I said harshly "what's up" nothing just packing my stuff how are u and crystal "good she likes me a lot I can't wait to date her more" he said all bubbly, well arnt u happy I laughed we started to walk down the hallway and crystal rode our bus so more death threats for me I got on but this time nash say with her we got to our stop and nash kissed her bye I got to my driveway and nashs was right next to mine he kissed my cheek whoa what was that for I blushed "for helping me today" he smiled he waved bye and went to his house the bus was still pulled there and I saw crystal staring at me through the window giving me the finger along with one of her *ur gonna regret that* I walked in not giving a care in the world about her.

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