•chapter 22•

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Nash still had me in this hug I kept trying to pull away and I finally broke out of it WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU I screamed at him he looked at me and took a step towards me "McKenna I need you I hate not being with u" well that was your choice u did it now layoff.
I had tears in my eyes trying to fight the urge to not hug him but I did I pulled him close and cried into him he laid his head on top of mine makeing this hug seem like forever...nash I can't do this right now I love you but at the same time I just can't,"why not" he looked at me with tears in his eyes,I have to wait till a girl tells me something she said she wanted to talk to me and I wanna make sure it doesn't concern me...or you. He nodded and I turned around on my heels and walked away bye nash I whispered before walking he stood there till I turned the corner. I walked up to a blonde about 5'7" heighted girl she was really pretty and probaly a lot prettier than me i stood there and smiled hi I said bubbly makeing it look like I haven't been crying "listen so u and nash can't get back together" I looked down wha-why not I asked quietly "I'm pregnant with his child I had it with him a couple nights ago. WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU you can't go around doing that!!!!! I yelled at her nash came up behind me and picked me up beofre I threw a punch I kicked at him and tried to escape his Armstrong dropped me and I fell to the ground I stood up and looked at him he has a confused face on to why I was acting like a total bitch right now "nash how could you" he looked at me still confused "with her out of all the other people U picked her your becoming a total man slut" I grabbed a book out of my bag that had a full photo album of me and nash that he gave me when I was in the hospital I took it and slammed it on his chest "here you can have it im done with you for good" he held it and looked at me then the blonde girl I started to cry even harder than before and eventually couldn't take staring at nash anymore and that dumb blonde so I left I walked out the doors and started walking to my house on foot I didn't want to deal with anybody right now...
Nash: the way McKenna acted was weird I had no clue on what was going on the moment we had together just then what did that mean to her nothing! But when I looked her in the eyes and saw she gave me back the photo album I knew Alexandra did something "can u tell me what just happened" she laughed I wanted to get her away from you so I kinda told her I was pregnant from you she said trailer her fingers up my shoulder and biting her lip "your a slut and stupid one too get out of mckennas life and mine" I said stubborn "you will never get back into mckennas life she hates your guts now....she said laughing I looked at her and hit her shoulder as I walked by her hoping she knows that I'm beyond pissed.
Jack:I saw McKenna crying harder than she's ever cried I was about to drive of but I couldn't let her walk home alone like this...I ran up behind her and ran to her side "hey hey what's wrong I said trying to stop her she kept walking and mumbling at the same time hey what happened tell me I'm here for you..."JACK NOBODY IS HERE FOR ME I TRY SO HARD AND THIS IS WHAT I GET WHOS FAULT IS IT ITS NOT GODS NOR ANYBODYS SO IS IT MINE." She stopped yelling and sat to the ground putting her head in her hands we were on the side of the street but near the woods barely anybody comes down his way I sat in the grass facing her "you didn't do anything wrong I know you didn't and your right it probaly isn't gods fault but babe that's life sometimes you gotta face the bad things for the good things to happen." She started to cry louder and I picked her up and carried her and her stuff to her house the rest of the way she wasn't that heavy actually she was pretty light and it was adorable the way she hung on to me I feel like I love her again but I can't she probably can't love me back either. I carried her and we got to the front door she got down wiping tears from her face she got her keys out and kept trying to unlock the door but her hand was to shaking so she gave up I took the keys and opened it for her. She gave me a small smile and i started to close the door when she stepped in but she stopped me "Uhm jack can you stay with me tonight just for tonight I don't think I'll servive myself tonight" she said quietly giggling "yeah babe whatever you need im here" I walked in and grabbed her hand I made her way up to her room and she changed into sweatpants and a vineyard vines shirt it was only 2:30 i the afternoon so what are gonna do she laid in bed and got her computer (Mac) out she patted a spot for me to sit by and I took my shirt of and got under the covers with her she turned Netflix on and picked out her favorite TV series (the red band society) she smiled before pressing play I loved when she smiled after a hard day for her I pulled her close and kissed her forehead and we started to watch this red band stuff.

•Friends with benefits• | n.g & j.g | completedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ