•chapter 9•

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They grabbed me out and one of the guys picked me up over there shoulder, they carried me into this house that I had no clue what was it was huge though pretty much a mansion they took me inside and placed me in a chair they told me to sit in it if I don't stay then I get killed so of course I stayed there sitting in the dark and then....



happy birthday McKenna! All my friends were here that I had known in elementary school and a couple family that I have only met once cause they lived so far. I started crying cause they scared the living daylight a out of me, they turned the lights up and started playing some music everybody came up to me with hugs and smiles.

Sarah why did they take me I was literally screaming my head off,"well we didn't think they would kidnap u that way but we needed someway to get you here!" Well anyway thanks I forgot it was my birthday I've been so stressed and thinking I forgot "well this one you won't forget. BOOM! Nash and jack came crashing through the door "MCKENNA!" I smiled at jack and ran to hug him "oh my god are you okay" he whispered into my neck, Ya I'm okay it's actually my birthday and they needed a way to get me back to the house. He smiled and went to talk to Sarah I looked at nash and he came up to me and grabbed my hands at first I was stiff but then I relaxed " I'm sorry I'm so so so sorry I miss you and I made a huge mistake by leading you on and now I don't want to lead you I wanna have you" I looked nash in the eyes and kissed him slow and passionate I love you so much... He hugged me and everybody was clapping even jack love that kid but I think I love this one more. We continued with the party and everything went great till it ended


Glad I got McKenna back but she needs to come back home... McKenna jack we need to talk jack nodded cause he knew what I was talking about okay you need to come home "okay!" And I know you might n--- wait what "okay nash I'm coming home" oh wow easier then I thought "yeah cali isn't really for me" when do we leave" right now!!! "Oh on only one condition U keep crystal away from me cause I know she's gonna wanna hurt me sense You broke up with her... True and hey I forgot to ask I knelt down on one knee McKenna Stevenson will you be my girlfriend... "Yes" she said with tears in her eyes jack hugged me and I kissed nash. And it was of to nc.

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