•chapter 25• (Listen to the video at the same time)

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Eventually Johnny,nash and the other guys left to look for jack and McKenna. I took Kaitlin and pulled her to the car watching everywhere around us "hunter where are we going" she said crying and pulling away from me "we need to find jack and get you somewhere safe babe" she stopped "what no! I'm coming with you" I looked at her "no you can't, I don't want you getting hurt" I could see the tears about to rush out her eyes "I DONT WANT YOU TO GET HIRT EAITHER" she started to cry even harder than before. I pulled her in for a tight hug "hey I'm gonna be okay I promise I'm not gonna leave you" looks like I was taking her with me and I guess it would be good for McKenna to have somebody beside her. I grabbed Kaitlin and we walked to my car and we drove of to the highway I called jack on the way and Kaitlin called the police for the school.

Me and Mckenna went downtown for some shopping sense we had no clothes,no car and I had only 20 dollars and she had a 10 so we thought it would be nice to maybe get some crappy clothes at least for the move in...I started to get a call from hunter

J-whats up man,how is everything
H-dude u have to throw your phone away
J-what no! Why
H-nash is tracking it
J-what no no no how!
H-idk but they are probably 10 minutes from the city U better get rid of it now
J-okay man where are u guys
H-we are on our way I have Kaitlin with me
J-okay...man I'm freaking out right now
H-it will be fine just get rid of that any electronic U have and take McKenna shopping quick and find that condo
J-k man thanks a lot too see u soon

With that I hung up the phone and grabbed mckennas hand,but it pulled away quickly "HEY WHAT ARE U DOING YOU PERVERTED CHILD!" I turned around and McKenna was no where to be found...MCKENNA. WHERE ARE YOU. I heard her voice but didn't see her in the crowd "JACK" "WHERE ARE YOU" she screamed back I kept looking around and pushing threw people...MCKENNA WHERE ARE U IM COMING" I kept running everywhere she was nowhere "JACK" I felt somebodies hands on my arm I turned around and it was her I grabbed her and pulled her in to me "thank god I found u" "I thought I lost you" she said now crying I looked at her and pushed my lips onto hers "we need to get out of here" I said whispering I took her and put my arm around her waist knowing I can't loose her this way I called my friend and told him we were coming and threw my phone in a nearby water fountain. We walked to the condo building and walked inside. I pushed 24 into the elevator cause that was our floor. I found the room and we nocked on the door he opened up and threw me the keys and told me where everything was the money the clothes and the new phones plus the food. Thanks man I said bro hugging him. Me and McKenna walked inside and McKenna went straight to the closet "thank god this guy has style" she said with her eyes lighting up "yeah he does doesn't he." I grabbed her around the waist and kissed her neck...she slightly moaned I bit my lip cause it just turns me on so much. She turned around and i connected our lips and we started to have a heated make-out session "jump" I picked her up and carried her over to the bed still keeping our lips connected I layed her down with me hovering over her she tugged at my shirt telling me to take it of I pulled it of and tugged at her shirt I helped her pull heres of and started to tug at her shorts and she nodded saying I could pull them down. We kept kissing never breaking it of course I smiled a couple times it just felt so right with her nobody else only her I was only in love with Mckenna Claire and I'm never letting her go.

•Friends with benefits• | n.g & j.g | completedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang