•chapter 20•

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I got up out of my bed so sore from all my bruises, I got up found a t-shirt and some skinny jeans and tied a plad collard shirt around my waist,I walked downstairs told my mom bye grabbed my phone and I decided for gilinsky to take me to school today sense I didn't feel like riding the bus or seeing nash. Gilisnky came and picked me up and we rode to school when we passed the bus stop nash was already there he waved to jack but then stopped cause he saw me in the car. I turned my head quickly and the whole way was silent....I walked in and I walked through the dirty loud halls people were still pushing same as always idk why I expected it to be different thinking stuff changed haha so stupid. I walked to my locker I started turning my lock and I messed up so I tried another 50 times and then I felt somebody's hand on my back and reaching for my locker "need help there" he chuckled I turned around hoping it was some really cute guy who I might have seen before but turns out it was a cute guy who I've seen before just he didn't like me back. He smiled and walked away Stupid nash how does he even know my combination anyways? I grabbed my stuff and started to walk to first until I saw nash holding hands and eating each others faces at the bench in the middle of the hallway, I walked over there and yanked his shoulder back...¡nash it's only been 1 day sense you broke up with me are u freaking kidding me right now! He looked at me and tried to say something but I kept screaming at him the girl he was kissing decided to get up and push me so I maybe shoved her back as weak as I could because honestly the push made me in pain she laughed me "is that all u can do" nash got up and touched one of her boobs "hey hey she's kinda bruised just leave her alone" she looked at him and kept talking to me I listened and I took my fingers and plucked her in her head after that she decided to try and throw a punch but I decided to catch it and slap her it didn't turn into much just a little punches but jack came and grabbed my waist picked me up and ran me around the corner the bell ring and they all walked to first period while jack ran me into the boys bathroom. He put me down and I just slide down the wall and put my head between my knees he melt down infront of me and touched my legs and rubbed them "hey hey everything will be okay I know this is hard for u but he did this it was his choice you will find somebody else okay" I looked up at him with tears in my face he kissed my cheek and he pulled me in for a hug he sat cross cross and pulled me in his lap I say there and just shoved my face in the crook of his neck "you won't leave me will you" I mumbled into his neck "never" he said as he squeezed me tighter we sat there for a good 10 minutes and I went to go to the office to get a blue note to prove I was late to class and I had an excuse doctors appointment. I walked into class with puffy eyes I saw the girl he was kissing which was talking to crystal for some reason so I'm guessing they were friends and I saw nash sitting there with the guys his feet were on the desk and he was wearing a leather coat wtf happened to the nash I knew" but whatever I don't need him anymore I sat down in my spot and started playing on my phone tweeting some non sense to my followers, I looked at a couple YouTube videos got a idea to stay making some of my own so I made a couple ideas jotted them down and held on to them for the rest of my classes.

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