•chapter 6•

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I woke up with a huge smile on my face, I got ready for school and literally jumped my whole flight of stairs. I ran into he kitchen giving my parents a hug and grabbing a granola bar, I ran outside to see nash in my driveway he also had a granola bar but peanut butter flavor can I have a bite of yours "Ya,as long as u give me some of yours" I gave him mine and he gave me his we started to walk down to the bus stop. I got on the bus first and automatically I saw crystals eyes staring and burning my soul. I turned my head and continued to walk to the backseat I wonder if nash was gonna sit with crystal and just my luck he did.

The bus pulled up to school and like usual I got of the bus watching nash and crystal holding hands together like what the actual fuck did what we do yesterday mean nothing to nash unless he's trying to play friends with benefits...that's exactly what he's playing well I'm just gonna play hard to get cause I will not be nashs side chick.

I'm done.

I walked to my locker and grabbed my books I walked to math class and sat there disgusted by nash and crystal making out in front of my desk and I knew it was her idea while he was kissing her neck she would look at me with a smirk trying to hold in moans.


When McKenna walked in I was gonna say hi but she ignored me for some reason so crystal had an idea to make out so I did and I knew if I did that McKenna would be jealous and she would talk to me again.


I got up from my chair and walked over to crystal. I pulled my hand up and she had smirk on her face I took her and slapped her right across the face leaving a dark red mark she got up from nashs lap nash had a shocked face like a 'what the hell has gotten into you' I turned around and was about to walk out the door but crystal grabbed my hair and pulled me to the ground she sat on me and tried to punch me but she missed and hit the floor while she was rubbing her fist I flipped her over and punched her right in the eye...that's gonna give her a black eye she get slapping me and pulling at my hair eventually she pulled out some and I'll tell u it hurt a lot.the teacher came back in the room and nash and jack tried to pull us apart but I didn't wanna let go. Crystal had pulled out several prices of my hair. Jack picked me up and grabbed me of from on top of her and nash grabbed her bridal style like are u kidding me, jack turned me around shaking me trying to get my attention "hey hey shh everything will be okay" he said pulled me in for a hug I guess I didn't realize I was crying I pulled away and walked up to nash and whispered in his ear I never wanna see u again... I walked away and jack walked after me to make sure I wouldn't do anything stupid.


Mckenna wasn't her self today but all I know is she needed someone and after I broke her heart I needed to fix it and maybe start by being her friend. I walked out the classroom behind her hey McKenna u okay she turned around but didn't answer she walked to her locker and grabbed all her stuff her locker magnets and everything even the lock,whoa whoa what are u doing "GETTING OUT OF HERE" she yelled "I hate it here nobody likes me and I guess I always screw things up so I'm going els-wear" she grabbed it all and beofre she could leave I grabbed her hand McKenna I know you don't like me and I know u had a bad day but u can't leave I'll miss u I love you and I wanna be friends with u again. "Oh what do u can leave me to go be popular no jack I love u too but sometimes I just don't like I am now"

I watched her leave the doors and walked back in the classroom I grabbed nash by his collar and punched him right in the jaw because he deserved it and what he did to McKenna just messed her up.

•Friends with benefits• | n.g & j.g | completedWhere stories live. Discover now