•chapter 15•

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I was shakeing and grabbed crystals leg trying to make her fall she was pulling chunks of my hair big ones..."stop beach u can't get me off of u" I still tried and them she kicked my in the nose "see what did I tell u" when she kicked me i heard my nose crack and it felt like blood was draining out my nose I started to cry letting my braveness flow out i was finally scared out of my mind.

Nash: I heard screaming out of the bathroom I was really close to math (first period) but I couldn't go and just nick I knew she wouldn't let me in but then I heard the screams got louder so did the cries I knew it had to be McKenna I stepped out my stall quietly and started to walk on my toes to get into the hallway trying not to be seen I got out and saw McKenna on the floor with crystal on top of her with her foot on McKennas hair CRYSTAL get the fuck of her! She looked at me "wel well well if it isn't nash trying to save his friend" she's not my friend she's my girlfriend "whatever she is u don't deserve her u deserve me" I shook my head no I don't McKenna looked at me and screamed my name "NASH!!" Watch out I turned around but not fast enough BANG BANG shots went of and I felt pain in my left shoulder and my lower abdomen and then everything went dead silent and I fell to the ground seeing a blurry vision of McKenna crying and screaming holding out her hands to me.


NASH!! He was on the floor bleeding I started to panic and I hit crystal in the weak spot in her leg she fell to the ground "bitch" I crawled over to nash grabbing my phone crystal managed to tackle me but I kept punching her of me Johnny had ran away to find more people on the loose so I wasn't to worried about him only nash. I finally found Nash's phone instead of mine and ran to the merest closet with a lock

0-911 what's your emergency

M-my boyfriend was shot and there's a code red at lake field high school

0-we have police and all social services in there way

M-how long

0-they r here mam

Mutha thank you

I ran out the doors and saw lights I grabbed nash dragging him down the hallway he was so strong it was hard to carry him babe please wake up... He wasn't marking and movement he had a pulse but just nothing else,the police found me and took him they found crystal in the bathroom and took her in the coo car and put me with nash.

I sat there by nash holding his hand

I guess it's my turn now huh? I giggled looking at his pale skin

•Friends with benefits• | n.g & j.g | completedWhere stories live. Discover now