Only if I Get To See Your Caboose

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Charlotte's outfit to the side(: (Or top, depending on what you're reading on.)

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Chapter 7:

Grilled is a verb that can be used two different ways. You can grill a hamburger, or you can grill a person. Grilling a person doesn't mean literally grilling a person, unless you're a cannibal (which is nasty. We can get help for you.). It means to interrogate someone to the point where they're about to rip out their hair.

Jessica, my dear friend, apparently only used the latter definition. Not only because she can't grill a hamburger or anything else, the girl could burn water, but because she finds to much joy in making a mess of me.

"So go ahead, Char! Spill!" She squealed. She currently was asking me a million questions about Ethan.

"There's nothing to spill." I shrugged, shoveling another spoonful of ice cream into my mouth. I swear, Chocolate Fudge Brownie would be the death of me. Thank you Ben. Thank you Jerry.

If anyone walked in on us, they surely would think we both just had the biggest breakups of our lives. We were sat in my living room, the movie Grease playing, clothed in fuzzy animal pajamas, our hair in buns, each with our own pints of Ben & Jerry's. We were a mess.

"Of course there is, there always is." Jess gave me a knowing look.

"We went out a few times for work purposes. Nothing more," I finished my sentence as well as my ice cream. Sadly, I set the empty tub down on my coffee table before pulling my blanket further up my body.

"In all my years of working at Vogue, not once has Ethan Price ever gone out with his stylist. Not once," she threw her hands in the air, one grasping a spoon and the other a pint of ice cream.

"Well maybe he's turned a new leaf." I stated, glancing over at the television. I couldn't even get a chance to here Danny's voice before she was blabbing in my ear again.

"Seriously Charlotte." A stern look masked her face. Maybe it was from all the years up putting up with snobby models and designers as a receptionist, or maybe she was just born with a convincing glare.

I blew a chunk of hair out of my face before turning to her, letting out a sigh. I've got to give in at some point if I want any sleep tonight. "We went out the first time for lunch. Strictly business, just getting to know one another. After, we parted ways. The next time I saw him in public, at the grocery store. I was buying a coffee pot." Jessica offered me a confused look.

"It's a long story. Anyways, I saw him at the store, and there was only one pot left. We played Rock Paper Scissors for it, and I ended up losing.

"The last time we went out for lunch was when you saw us in the lobby. I told him how gorgeous his car was, and he replied telling me it wasn't as gorgeous as I was. I thought he was joking, until later he told me he pursues what he thinks is interesting. The waitress was practically begging for attention, to which he told her off. It was brutal. Then, he snapped at the waiter because he was flirting with me. He told the waiter I was his girl, but then later on used the word 'friend. So I don't really know what he wants from me." I finished, glad I didn't have to answer to her again.

"OH MY GOSH!" Jessica let out and ear-piercing scream. "He totally likes you! The coffee pot, lunch twice, and calling you his girl? You've got him, that's for sure." She started rambling on and on about some sunset wedding and babies. How she managed to start talking about whether I would have a natural birth and bury my placenta under a willow tree was beyond me.

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