You know the look? Yes, that one.

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Chapter 6:

Annoyance and anger go hand in hand. Annoyance comes first, and it's best friend, anger, follows it. They both course through your veins, setting fire to your entire body. You can see them coming from a mile away, yet there's little you can do but except that they're coming for a visit. A severely unpleasant visit.

The only thing I don't understand is how it's so undoubtedly effortless for Mr. Price to annoy me to the point of fury. If it was an Olympic sport, he would surely win the gold medal; repeatedly. I'm positive he does it to get a rise out of me. One moment, he's completely polite, another he's being a jokester, and another his face is barren of any emotion and his expression is unreadable. He's like an elaborate puzzle that I just do not know how to figure out.

We were currently in my office, bantering over lunch. He insisted that he take me out to eat, but I wanted to finish up my work for the day during my lunch break.

"You'll have time to complete it afterwards," he argued. If only he knew not everyone was blessed with tons of employees. Being the employee, I had a list of things to complete and wasting time was not part of that list.

"Seriously, Mr. Price-"

"Call me Mr. Price one more time and I'll sew your mouth shut." He cut me off, a serious glint in his eye. Of course he was joking, but I dared not find out.

"Seriously, Ethan, I can't today. I have a lot of work to do and I'm way behind on a bunch of stuff," I sighed, running a hand through my straightened brown locks.

"Did you just quote Elf?" He smirked, raising his eyebrow.

Oh crap.

I really need to stop watching that movie. It's like a main part of my life, besides candy, candy cane, candy corn, and syrup. My point exactly.

"It doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm working and you may go enjoy your lunch, alone." I finished, sitting myself down in my chair.

Ethan mumbled something, before walking over to me. His large hands swooped down to my waist before he lifted me up and over his well defined muscles. Gosh, what a great view.



"You'll what?" he challenges, as we walk out of my office. Many of my colleagues are staring widely at us. I would too if I saw someone over the shoulder of their boss.

"I- I'll, I'll smack your butt!" I smile triumphantly, knowing that will make him set me down.

Wrong. So, so wrong.

"Go ahead, Lottie. I'm sure you've dreamt of it. I'll return the favor if you keep squirming, though."

Mortified, I laid limply over his shoulder. I seriously chose the best day to wear work pants. All the way down the elevator, he hummed a song to annoy me. This was the moment when annoyance turn to anger, and anger turned to despair. "If you let me down, I'll go willingly." I sighed, knowing there was no other option.

He carefully set me down in the lobby. Smoothing out my pants and fixing my hair, I nodded at him to continue on. We started to walk towards the revolving doors, when a hand was rested on my hip.

A feeling stirred inside of my stomach, driving me insane. The last time I felt this feeling was when Derek Brown asked me to the senior prom. I thought he was perfect, but my view of perfect has recently been slightly altered. Okay, majorly altered.

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