Mistake ; Bokuakakurotsuki X Reader

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Lowkey this is so sad I started crying while writing this, y'all have fun reading this fr

Thank you so much to @Funfruit for this request, I had so much fun writing this. I hope you enjoy!


"Tch. What a shitty day." You mumble to yourself, kicking the wet concrete below you as you make your way back to your shared apartment.

Your mind races, as you think back to the seemingly never ending string of cursed events wedging themselves into your day.

The sun shown brightly through the cracked open window placed in your room, not failing to wake you up.

Your hands unconsciously search the bed for your four lovers, who happen to be... not in bed with you...huh?

You sit upright quickly, rubbing your eyes with the back of your hands tiredly.

"That's weird... they usually leave for work after me... or at least kiss me good morning before leaving." You mumble, letting out a small yawn.

"Mmm oh well, they probably got called into their shifts early today. No need to worry." You shrug, before tumbling out of bed and stumbling into the kitchen.

You blindly grab a water bottle from the fridge, before taking a seat at the breakfast bar. You quietly sip your water, your eyes blearily searching the room.

"They always leave a note if something comes up suddenly... where is it??" Your eyes continue to search the room for a slip of paper, but... nothing.

"Weird." You simply shrug it off, not paying too much mind.

Though, you feel a bit different this morning.

Lonely, maybe?

The atmosphere feels off as well.

Your chest aches a little bit at the foreign feeling of the absence of your lovers without an explanation.

"Good morning! Hope you guys slept well ^^! Did something come up, I woke up and you guys were gone? Please let me know you're safe! I love you guys!" You shoot your boys a quick text in your group chat, before carrying yourself into the bathroom to get ready for work.

You lock the front door to your apartment, clutching your bag and marching your way to the bus stop...

but did you really lock the door??

You question yourself, before turning around, and locking the door once again.

Ok, you're good.

The walk to the bus stop is short, and as soon as you arrive, the bus is letting passengers on.

You mindlessly scan your card, before taking a seat and putting your earbuds in. You close your eyes and lean your head back slightly, focusing on the music blasting in your ears.

Suddenly, the bus lurches, the sound of the screeching tires ringing out over your music.

You rip your earbuds out quickly, and open your eyes. You watch the driver as his face twists into panic, and he frantically turns the steering wheel.

But, as soon as the lurch starts, it stops.

The front of the bus is hanging a quarter off a bridge, with a flat front tire.

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