You Are My Sunshine ; Hinata x reader

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A/N: I may or may not have cried while writing this. Prepare yourselves for the angst.

You are my sunshine

"Shou! Slow down, I can't keep up with you!" You wheeze, while a six year old Hinata drags you across the park and towards a nearby ice cream truck.

The two of you were sat on a couple of swings, when you heard the familiar rings of the ice cream truck. You and Hinata's eyes instantly brightened at the sound, before you two bolted towards your parents.

"Mommy! Please, can we have ice cream! Please, please, please!" You and Hinata frantically begged, oval eyes gone wide and glossy.

Your parents let out amused laughs, but nevertheless, Hinata's mom handed both of you ¥225 each.

Now in two six year olds mind's, ¥225 made you the richest people on earth, who had the power to rule the ENTIRE WORLD.

"[Y/N]-chan! We're rich!" Hinata gasped, his small chubby hands waving around the ¥225 bill.

"Wahhhhhhh!" You gleamed with excitement, your eyes glistening in the sun.

Hinata giggled, before grabbing your hand, and running towards the ice cream truck. Which led to where you are now.

"Hmmm, what're you going to get [Y/N]-chan?" Hinata asked you, his hip popped out while his finger continuously tapped his mouth.

"(Favorite ice cream flavor)!" You replied excitedly, without hesitation.

"Uwaaah, I'm going to get that too!" Hinata shouted.

Hinata bounced towards the ice cream trucks front counter, you slowly following behind. Hinata stood on his very tip toes, his hands clutching the wooden counter.

"Two (favorite ice cream)'s please!" Hinata informed the employee.

"That'll be ¥450, young man." The employee chuckled, smiling at the boy's adorable nature.

Hinata handed the employee the money, and in return the employee handed Hinata the freshly made ice cream.

"Mmmm, [Y/N]-chan, doesn't this just look yummy?!" Hinata exclaimed, his tongue sticking out of his mouth.

Your mouth drooled at the sight of the ice cream, as you delicately pulled it from Hinata's grip.

"Shou. I think we're officially the luckiest kids in the entire universe!" You shouted, arms spread out wide.

Hinata giggled, before running back towards the swings. You followed suit, careful not to drop your precious ice cream.

Once the two of you made it back to the swings, you took a seat. You started to slowly lick away the ice cream from your cone, before you were interrupted.

"I bet I could finish my ice cream faster than you, [Y/N]-chan!" Hinata challenged.

"Oh yea? You're on!" You stuck your tongue out at Hinata, before licking a large dollop of ice cream out of your cone.

The two of you continued to gulp down your ice cream, having to stop a couple of times due to brain freeze. But finally, the match finished with Hinata eating his ice cream faster.

Haikyuu X Reader ; One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now