Our story ; Iwaizumi X Shy! Reader

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"Senpai, please accept my love and gifts for you!" An overly high pitched voice screeches, before practically bowing until her nose touches her thighs.

The simple sentence rushing into your ears, causes your heart to drop to your toes.

"Ah-oh.. you do know that I'm Iwaizumi, and not Crappykawa right?"

"Of-of course Senpai!" The girl squeals once again, still nose deep into her sock covered thighs.

You hear Iwaizumi sigh, before the shuffling of feet is heard.

"Listen, I'm sorry, but I can't accept your feelings."

"B-but... why?" The girls chokes out, major disappointment clearly filling her system.

"I-Well, I've got my eye on someone else.." Iwaizumi replies awkwardly, not used to being confessed to.

"Who?!" The girl instantly stands up from her bow, obviously jealous.

"Sorry, that's none of your business."

"Oh, my bad Senpai.. well, I'll see you around then." The girl whimpers, before turning around and throwing her neatly decorated card into the garbage on her run to hide out of embarrassment.

Although you know it's completely rude and inappropriate to think, you're extremely relieved to hear the denial going on in front of you.

But, deep down, you know that that girls situation is close to how your situation will be if you ever actually follow through with your own confession.

"Eye on someone else huh? Guess I won't confess like I planned." You think sadly, as tears of despondency drop on to the clear plastic container covering the homemade slice of cake you made especially for Iwaizumi.

Peaking around the corner of the red brick wall you're hidden behind, you spot Iwaizumi let out a large sigh while running his hands through his hair in slight guilt. He closes his eyes for a second, before turning on his heels and making his way back into the school's gymnasium.

You scoff at yourself for being so stupid to think that you could ever confess to Iwaizumi, let alone have a chance of him accepting your profound love.

You walk out from behind the corner, before walking towards the trash can and dumping your slice of cake on top of the love letter that never got to make it into Iwaizumi's hands.

Scuffing your feet as you walk off towards the exit gates of the school, you fail to notice the gaze that stares at your gloomy form in curiosity and longing.

"Why couldn't it have been (Y/N) confessing to me?" Iwaizumi thinks in disillusionment.


No one ever pinned Iwaizumi Hajime to be the type of guy to fall into the habit of possessing a school girl like crush on someone.

Nor did anyone expect him to fall into a love like trance with the overly shy and introverted girl in his class.

Neither you or Iwaizumi have ever had a full conversation with one another.

Sure, you've exchanged greetings, answered each other's occasional class related questions, etc.

But none of that played a roll in how the two of you managed to fall into oblivious love with each other.

All it took for Iwaizumi to become enthralled with you, was the rare gummy smile that showed upon your face whenever a classmate would make a joke that caught your attention. And sometimes, Iwaizumi wished he were the one to make you smile so gorgeously.

Haikyuu X Reader ; One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now