English ; Kageyama X Reader

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A/N: I'm back! God, I haven't been active for almost three months! School is getting more and more stressful, but I'll try my best to keep writing more! A couple things to know about this one shot before reading is, the reader is a foreigner, their home-country being America! Words in italics represent English spoken words by the characters.


"You suck!"

"Yeah?! Well you swallow, Kageyama!"


"Eep! Sorry Ennoshita-san!" Hinata cowers slightly at Ennoshita's motherly glare directed in his direction.

"10 minutes into our study session and you two are already bickering... I just can't win can I?" Ennoshita sighs, rubbing his thumb and pointer finger along the bridge of his nose in frustration, regretting getting passed on the motherly role as Suga has graduated.

"This is too fucking difficult!" Kageyama mutters to himself, becoming frustrated beyond belief at the english homework glaring back at him.

"Language." Ennoshita warns once more, sending a downwards glare towards the boy.

"Yachi-san, can you check over this to make sure I wrote everything correctly?" Kageyama states more than questions, shoving the slightly crumpled paper towards Yachi.

"I can try... but my english is very poor." Yachi sighs I'm distress, but nevertheless begins to circle the many problems Kageyama needs to fix.

"Dummyama, stupidyama, bakageyama." Hinata snickers quietly, eyes raking the several mistakes upon the boy's homework.

"You have absolutely no room to insult me dumbass." Kageyama replies numbly, his soul slowly leaving his body at every circle of Yachi's star charmed pencil.

"At least there's fewer mistakes than yesterday's assignment?" Yachi reasons, sliding Kageyama's paper over the table and back in his direction.

"... I think I need a fluent english speaking tutor." Kageyama finally comes to the realization, a year too late.

"Tch you think?" Tsukishima immediately pitches in, pushing his glasses further up his nose with his middle finger.

"I don't know any fluent english speakers though..." Kageyama trails off, his face dulling slightly as he pictures his future failing grades.

"Ah! I think I may know someone!" Yachi excitedly pitches in, after a few moments of silently thinking.

"Really? Who?!" Kageyama jumps slightly, leaning more towards Yachi in excitement.

"In my class! What's her name... (Y/N)! Yes, (Y/N)! She's a fluent english speaker who just moved here from America about a year ago!" Yachi replies, just as excitedly.

"Wow! America!" Hinata shouts animatedly, waving his hands around along side his sudden excitement.

"Yachi-san, you really know someone who could help me?" Kageyama asks, in slight disbelief.

"Yes, Yes! I can talk to her in class tomorrow and see if she's willing to help you!" Yachi explains, quickly packing her finished homework into her backpack.

"Oh, that's a tough deal. Would she really be willing to help such a lost cause?" Tsukishima teases, slinging his backpack over his shoulders as he stands to his feet.

"If she says no..." Kageyama immediately pales at the thought.

"Wow, you really are desperate for help. That's the first." Tsukishima raises his thin eyebrows slightly, genuinely surprised at how badly the king is seeking help.

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