Dreams ; Hinata X Reader (Soulmate! AU)

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Soulmate! AU in which everything you write/draw on your skin, appears on  your soulmate's skin.

You were always dreaming about your soulmate. You never went a day without a thought of him. You thought of it as a fairy tale. A fairy tale with a happy ending. Where you would be so ever in love with this boy. And this boy would love you endlessy, as would you. The two of you would sit on a hill and stare at the moon, along with the bright and twinkling stars. You two would show endless affection, and never lose hope in one another.

You and Hinata had started talking when you were just 5 years old. You could remember the memory, like it was just yesterday. It was hands down, your favorite memory. You just loved to reply it in your mind every chance you got.


Little [Y/N] was comfortably sitting in the box filled with tiny grains of sand. You were holding your little plastic volleyball as well as a small, plush lemur. You grabbed the lemur's arms, and tossed the mini plastic volleyball into the air. The lemur "bumped" the volleyball up into the air, before the ball quickly fell back into the sand. You giggled at the sight, before falling onto your back. You lied in the sand, little grains sinking into your hair. Your shiny [E/C] eyes peered up into the never ending blue abyss.

You were suddenly cut out of your imagination, when you felt a slight tingle on your wrist. Thinking it was just a bug, you looked down at your wrist. You were met with what was indeed not a bug, but instead a sloppily drawn volleyball. You gasped loudly, before quickly sitting up. You stood up from the sand, and onto your small legs. You tripped and scrambled out of the sand box, and ran to find your mom awaiting near by.

"Mommy! This weird drawing just appeared on my arm, I don't know what it is! Mommy!" You cried, reaching your arms out for your beloved mother.

"Oh, honey. I have something to explain to you." Your mother exclaimed, knowing exactly what the situation was.

"Have you ever heard of a soulmate?" Your  mother asked, pulling loose strands of hair behind your ear.

You peered up at your mom, with big confused fill eyes.

"Mommy, what's a soulmate?"

"Well, a soulmate is like a bestfriend but more. It's the one person in the world who knows you better than anyone else. That someone who makes you a better person. No. Actually they don't make you a better person. You do that by yourself, because they inspire you. A soulmate is someone you carry with you forever. It's one person who knows you, excepts you, and believes in you before anyone else did or when nobody else will. And no matter what happens, you'll always love them. And nothing can change that."

"Wahhhhh, mommy do I get a soulmate?!" You asked, mouth agape.

"Well, of course honey. In fact, your soulmate drew that cute little drawing on your wrist." Your mom says, pointing at the adorable drawing on your wrist.


You were too young to understand the concept at the time, but as you grew up, your understanding grew. As well as your excitement.

"[Y/N]!" Your mom hollered.

"Yes, mom?!" You yelled back.

"We're going to be late for your brothers volleyball game!"

"I'm coming!"

"Shit, I forgot Yuu had a game tonight!" You whisper yell at yourself, as you roll out of your bed.

You straighten out your clothing, and brush your fingers through your hair. You grab your phone off of your bed side table, while slipping on your shoes. You sprint out of your bedroom door, and tumble down the stairs.

Haikyuu X Reader ; One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now