Good Luck Charm ; Tanaka X Reader

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A/N: Thank you so much @NyxBlaubeermuffin1 for the awesome idea, hope you enjoy!


It all started off as an accident, really. You never intended to settle down and find a strong relationship in only your second year of high school. But, life can throw such unexpected events into the palm of your hands. Luckily, life decided to treat you with someone you'd treasure for as long as possible. Thus, this is how your story began.


Much to your dismay, you had done it again.

What? You may ask.

Well, for the fourth time this week, you had managed to take a rather deep snooze during your first hour class period. But hey! It's not technically your fault. First hour is fresh in the morning, and the fact that first hour happens to be Japanese history, provides you with the perfect opportunity to catch up on your shitty sleeping schedule.

Unfortunately, your snoozing wasn't very discreet and offered your teacher the perfect opportunity to write you up an early Saturday morning detention.

So, here you are now entering the school building, dressed sharply in your school uniform, at exactly 8am.

You yawn loudly, tears dripping from your droopy eyes. You sluggishly drag your feet into your first hour classroom, dreading the next 3 hours to come.

"Good morning Aiko Sensei." You greet Aiko Sensei politely, giving her a small bow.

She smiles in return, before handing you a gigantic pile of unorganized worksheets.

"Have fun, (Y/N)." She teases slightly, giving you one last smirk.

You muster what has to be the fakest smiles you've ever given, before stiffly turning around and trudging to your desk, your arms filled with papers stacked up to your chin.

You carefully set the stack of papers on your desk before carefully dividing the hundreds of papers into their designated groups. You continue to separate, grade, and check over several student's papers. Sometimes even getting a good laugh at the obviously clueless answers some students randomly come up with. But it's not like you can judge, everyone does it at some point.

Finally, after three hours of pure boringness, you bring the now organized stack of papers to Aiko Sensei's desk in a signal of whether you're aloud to leave or not. After Aiko Sensei nods in approval, you give her a bow before turning on your heal and fast walking out of the classroom.

"Not so fast Miss (Y/N)!" Aiko Sensei calls out, her voice filled with fake happiness.

You abruptly stop your steps, and creak backwards to face Aiko Sensei once more.

"Yes, Aiko Sensei?" You nervously reply, giving her a wobbly smile.

"I expect your full attention and participation in my classroom from now on. If I catch you asleep once more, you'll receive Saturday and Sunday detentions for a month. We clear?" Aiko Sensei states with a face holding half fury half seriousness.

"Y-Yes Aiko Sensei!" You yell, slightly more loud than needed.

"Good. Have a good day (Y/N)!" Aiko Sensei waves happily, her once angry expression slipping clean off her face.

"T-thank you, you as well!" You quickly bow, before jetting out of her classroom and into the hallways.

As you slow to a walk, your body shivers in slight fear. You knew Aiko Sensei was scary, but not that scary.

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