Childhood Friends ; Tsukishima X Reader

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"Lumpy face Tadashi!"

"Carry our bags. That's an order, not a request!"

"Look at you about to cry. What a baby."

You stand silently and still outside the elementary school's front doors, as you watch the group of bullies tease the shy boy in your class.

As the taunts grow harsher, your anger boils causing your face to twist into a nasty scowl.

Not baring to watch the scene continue on, you stomp your feet across the dirt and towards the group of boys.

"Hey! You're being really rude to Yamaguchi-san." You yell, your fists clenching as four heads turn in your direction.

"So? What's it matter to you, brat." One boy smirks, crossing his arms.

"What, you think you're better than Yamaguchi-san and I? Seriously, stop with the name calling." You scoff, clearly not amused by the names being thrown around.

"Are you like, lumpy face's girlfriend or something? Honestly, you'd be a great couple. Two uglies together. It's like a match made in heaven." Another boy yells, starting to get into your face.

"Back off! And Yamaguchi-san isn't ugly, so don't go calling him something he's not!" You yell back, slightly pushing the boy away from your face.

"Don't push me, little girl. I'll punch you I tell ya, I'll do it." The boy screams, swinging his fist, only to be caught by your hand swiftly.

"Wow, you are so-"

"Pathetic." You and another boy scoff, simultaneously.

You immediately turn your head towards the voice, spotting a blonde megane several feet away from you.

"Who're you calling pathetic, huh?!" The boy jerks his fist out from your hand, only to raise it towards the blonde.

You simply watch the boy scoff, as he shoves his hands into his hoodies pockets and walks away.

Once the boy's out of sight, you push the group of bullies away from Yamaguchi, and hold your hand out.

Yamaguchi looks at you with slight hesitation, but grasps your hand nevertheless.

You smile reassuringly at the boy, while pulling him up to his feet.

"Don't worry Yamaguchi-san. I'm here for you."


"Tsukki! Wait for us!" You call out, running towards Tsukishima, managing to trip over your feet more times than necessary.

An equally clumsy Yamaguchi follows your lead, before the both of you finally reach the long-legged child.

"Why am I friends with such clumsy people." Tsukishima taunts, his lips twitching up into a smirk.

"Tadashi..." You state in a dream like state.

"He called us... his friends! The gods have answered our prayers!" You continue, dramatically falling to your knees and bowing to nobody in particular.

Yamaguchi quickly joins you, instead bowing towards his speckled friend.

"You guys are too dramatic. Get up off the ground before bugs crawl into your hair, and nestle into your empty brains." Tsukishima states bluntly, before shuffling and walking away.

Haikyuu X Reader ; One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now