Rare ; Bokuakakurotsuki X Reader Part II

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I was originally going to upload this tomorrow, but decided against it! So enjoy part two! Also, I'm thinking about turning these two one-shots into an actual story?? Comment if you're up for it, and would actually read it haha.

Anyway, enjoy this scenario in which Reader-chan and Tsukishima get their wisdom teeth removed together.


"Oh my god, they came back for us!" Tsukishima slurs.

"Mom, you left us! We were so scared!" You cry, reaching out for Akaashi.

Kuroo and Bokuto hold their phones in their right hands while their left hands cover their mouths in laughter at the sight of you and Tsukishima high on anesthesia.

"This lady took me away from you. Kidnapper! Kidnapper!" You scream, using your feet to push your wheel chair away from the nurse.

"Shut up, stop screaming so damn much!" Tsukishima slurs, his head lolling back and forth.

"Hey! Don't curse!" You yell, lazily pointing your finger at the blonde.

"Shut up! Don't tell me how to live my life!"

"Shut the hell up!"

"You shut the hell up!"

"Alright you two, I think it's about time we take you to the car." Akaashi intervenes, leading the nurses out of the hospital and towards the car.

Once you reach the car, Akaashi picks you up and places you in the back seat, Bokuto soon following with Tsukishima.

"Hey, hey, hey!" You lazily chant.

"Hey, hey, hey shut the hell up!"

"Stop telling me to shut the hell up!"

"I can do what I want, I'm punk rock!"

"No you're not, are you crazy?!" You exclaim, eyes wide.

"You caught me there!" Tsukishima laughs, lazily waving his hand at you.

"You have weird hair!" You laugh, messily playing with Bokuto's hair.

"Hey blondie, come feel this man's hair!" You hit Tsukishima, catching his attention.

Tsukishima's lanky body lies over you as his hands land on Bokuto's hair, and soon enough, the two of you are messing up Bokuto's hair.

"Ok, I think that's enough." Akaashi chuckles as he sees the look on Bokuto's face through the rear view mirror.

"But mommmmmm!" Tsukishima whines, his body becoming limp across your lap.

"Get your big ass head off my lap!" You shout, shoving Tsukishima's head.

"You're so rude!" He screams in reply.

"No, you're rude!"

"I'm an angel, what are you talking about?!"

"Wait we died and went to heaven? Oh my god!" You yell in surprise, tears flowing down your face.

"Stop crying!" Tsukishima grabs your head, and lightly shakes it.

Haikyuu X Reader ; One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now