The Hidden Broken Boy ; Yamaguchi X Reader

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"Say Yamaguchi, has it always been just you and Tsukishima?" Hinata suddenly questions the boy, as the first years walk home from evening practice.

"What's with the sudden question?" Yamaguchi wearily responds.

"Well both you and Tsukishima are quite closed off when it comes to making friends, so I'm just wondering if it's always just been "Tsukishima and Yamaguchi."

"I don't see why any of this concerns you Chibi." Tsukishima yawns, sensing Yamaguchi's discomfort.

"I'm just curious, that's all." Hinata scowls.

"Tsukki and I did have another close friend when we were younger, if that's what you're asking." Yamaguchi says suddenly, cutting off the rising tension between Tsukishima and Hinata.

"Really?!" Hinata shouts, his scowl turning into one of surprise.

"Yea... but we haven't see or talked to her in about 10 years." Yamaguchi continues, the dismal feelings of missing you returning to his system.

"Oh... did you all have a falling out or..?"

"No, she just moved away when we were seven."

"Have you tried to contact her?"

"Of course we have, Chibi. It's not as easy as it sounds." Tsukishima cuts in, his tone one of annoyance.

"I was just asking! No need to be so rude, geesh."

"We have tried to get in contact with her," Yamaguchi cuts in once again, giving the two a look of warning before continuing.

"It's quite hard to contact someone who has moved out of the country. Especially because we were all so young, and didn't have cellphones to save each other's email or phone numbers. Tsukki's mother tried to get into contact with (Y/N)'s parents, but her parents must have changed their number or the difference in countries could be too far."

"Do you miss her?"

"Of course. She was our best friend. It's cliché, but we were three pees in a pod. We all helped each other out and supported one another. We were like family."

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you guys meet?" Yachi questions, curiosity filling her tone.

"It's a funny story, actually." Yamaguchi smiles, the memories filling his mind.

"When I was younger, I wasn't the best looking kid in town. Kids are mean. And one thing led to another, and before I knew it, I was the main victim to a bullies tormenting and teasing day after day. I just dealt with it, because it happens you know, and I couldn't really do anything to stop it. But one day, a little girl around my age had approached the bullies. They had just happened to push me into the gravel and started to throw my backpack and rocks at my face. But before the bullies could go any further, (Y/N) had come along. She politely asked them to stop, but they didn't listen. She got pretty angry, and pushed the others into the gravel along side of me while saying "if you have the right to push Yamaguchi-san into the gravel, then so do I!" Before continuing with "Now don't make me stoop down to your pathetic level and start throwing rocks and pebbles at your face!" Long story story short, they started teasing her as well, before Tsukki came along for the first time, and called us all pathetic. Surprisingly Tsukki's simple phrase scared the bullies away." Yamaguchi rambles, happiness filling him as he remembers how you had chosen to stick up for him, a kid who was considered a low life unattractive freak, with absolutely no friends.

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